Thursday, August 27, 2020
Ethics of Full Disclosure of Security Holes Essay -- Hackers Internet
Morals of Full Disclosure of Security Holes Presentation Security penetrates are standing out as truly newsworthy these days, and Microsoft is driving the charge. Its leader working frameworks and office suite are so cumbersome and complex, that it is difficult to be sans bug. The framework overseers (the white caps) are up to their noses stopping all the openings from super programmers (the dark caps). However they are likewise confronting assault from another front †those that post vulnerabilities on the web (the dim caps). The dark caps are programmers that discover security vulnerabilities and post them on the web, compelling framework managers to fix up the openings. Generally, they illuminate the merchant early. At that point, in the event that they esteem the organization isn't paying attention to them, and vindictive programmers will abuse the danger, they post it on a discussion. In spite of the fact that acting in compliance with common decency, the morals of complete honesty of security openings are in banter, including: how total honesty can cause more damage then great, to what extent sellers ought to be permitted to fix the issue, and liabilities for posting on the web. Issue 1: Full divulgence of security-related data can incur more harm than great. You are telling individuals the best way to break into frameworks. The discussion about weakness revelation arrangements includes two primary gatherings. Specialists at security organizations state they need to get their most recent discoveries out rapidly to rush programming producers' reaction to bugs. Programming creators, then again, state they aren't given sufficient opportunity to manage an issue, and that publicizing it basically makes noxious programmers aware of a chance. There are super programmers out there who discover security vulnerabilities, at that point review a content on the web, with a couple of l... ...on't distribute code, 17 Oct. 2001, CNet, 11 Mar. 2004, <> 6. Lemos, Robert, Microsoft designers feel Windows torment, 7 Feb 2002, CNet, 12 Mar. 2004, <> 7. Lemos, Robert, When is Hacking a Crime? 26 Sept 2002, ZDNetNews, 15 Mar. 2004, <> 8. Seared, Ina, Attack concerns moderate Microsoft's pace, 16 Mar. 2004, CNet, 16 March 2004, <> 9. Shankland, Stephen, Governements to See Windows Code, 14 Jan 2003, CNet, 14 March 2004, <> 10. Lemos, Robert, New laws settle on hacking a high contrast decision, 23 Sept 2002, CNet, 14 March 2004, <>
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Professional Ethics in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Proficient Ethics in Education - Essay Example What exactly degree should instructors utilize their capacity? Instances of educators abusing their forces have risen. A few educators may utilize their forces to practice their own advantage. For example, an instructor may support a particular understudy for monetary help or relationship favors. In a contention by Ryan (2012), numerous favors understudies accomplish for instructors are not eagerly. They do the favors in dread of outcomes they may confront. This is a case of abuse of intensity by educators. Be that as it may, as of late, understudy bodies have been set up which are planned for limiting instances of teacherâ -understudy control. Another force involvement with instructing is the capacity to settle on choices without being addressed. Here and there educator settle on choice without the thought of the understudies needs. This is a break to the privileges of the understudies. In dynamic all the concerned gatherings ought to be a piece of the consultation (Higgins, 2011). With instructors exploiting their capacity and settle on choices understudies reserve the option to fight the choices. In each school there ought to be different bodies which help I the dynamic in schools. With the impartial party, decency and counsel is ensured (Robinson, 2005) The administration of intensity among instructors ought to be suggested. With developing worries on the morals of instructors, partners ought to guarantee the code of morals I encouraging calling is followed precisely. The executives of these forces implies that teachers’ duties and rights ought to be controlled. The privileges of the understudies ought to likewise be delineated. To manage the adherence to the standards, there should legitimate ramifications for any penetrate (Higgins, 2011. With the blueprint of the privileges of understudies the force in the teachers’ hands will be all around oversaw. It will likewise give students’ the voice to air their complaints without control by the educators. The administration of the educators will
Friday, August 21, 2020
Writing a Doctoral Thesis
Writing a Doctoral ThesisThe doctoral thesis is the culmination of all the study you've done during your Master's or Doctoral program. In this context, 'thesis' means a work of written and performed research. Thesis writing should be a collaborative effort between the students and should follow the guidelines listed in this article. Remember that, like any work of art, you should be proud of your master's thesis; however, it should also be readable.Your doctoral thesis is meant to tell the reader exactly why you were chosen for the doctoral program. You don't want to ramble on, so think of what issues are important to you. What types of awards or recognitions did you get that made you qualified for the PhD program? What problems do you see with the PhD programs you were not accepted into? Describe each of these in detail and give the reader something to think about when they read your thesis.If you are a member of a particular group or even a single family, you should define your own group in your dissertation. If you belong to a particular religion, give details of how you belong to this group. To clarify the differences between you and other members of your class, emphasize the aspects of your field that separate you from the rest of the class.If you belong to a political party, give a brief description of how you stand in relation to other members of your class and distinguish yourself from others. This will help the reader understand how you deal with issues, and how you differ from other members of your class. A thesis that describes a separate political party can be more challenging than describing one that is allied with a particular union. At the same time, it can make for an interesting presentation of what it is to be a member of the group.Before you begin writing your dissertation, start with an introductory paragraph, and do this as you are going through the chapter. Add some general information, give your chapter a title, and explain the purpose of the chapter in your introduction.In addition to the introduction, you will want to write a preface. It should summarize what the student hopes to accomplish in his or her research, but it must not undermine the purpose of the thesis. Try to avoid the reader's mind wandering or get distracted by what the purpose of the thesis is.Finally, the chapters of your thesis should discuss each of the topics you set forth in your introduction. Make sure that these chapters are not longer than the length of the summary paragraph in your introduction. Keep in mind that you don't need to prove everything that you say in these chapters, but you should at least state the basis for it. As always, the chapters must be logical and focus on the important points of the thesis.Once the chapters are complete, read them carefully, and write the conclusion of your summary paragraph. Although your summary paragraph is just a summary of what the sections have discussed, it needs to be concise and point to th e primary issue, or focus. It should also give a quick summary of the thesis itself, and should be linked to the chapter that started the thesis.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Problem Of Chronic Kidney Disease - 1490 Words
Introduction The United States finds itself in a challenging predicament. With the population of Baby Boomers entering the fifth and sixth decades of their lives, health care will be faced with the onslaught of chronic diseases that accompany the aging process. To combat this impending health care shift, health care is being transformed from the traditional hospital setting to more community based and long term, health care treatments/solutions. One of these diseases that plague older adults and impose a burden for the health care system is chronic kidney failure. Headley (2014), explains that chronic kidney disease (CKD) involves a progressive, irreversible loss of kidney function (p. 1107). To diagnose CKD the National Kidney Foundation states a person must have kidney damage or a decreased GFR of less than 60 mL/min/1.73m2 for longer than three months (p. 1107). CKD is underdiagnosed and untreated in the United States. This is most likely contributed to the fact that the kidneys are so adaptiv e. A patient living with CKD may not even know it, presenting with no symptoms for years. It is only untill the kidneys are considerably damaged that a proper diagnosis is often made (Headley, 2014, p.1108). Elliott (2012) explores the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in the United States. With data from the United States Renal Data System, out of the 1.2 million participants who were above the age of 65, 12,308 were diagnosed with (CKD stages 1-5) (p.4). The prevalence of olderShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Problem With Ckd Chronic Kidney Disease984 Words  | 4 Pages3 renal failure, also known as CKD Chronic Kidney Disease. There is no cure for this disorder, all that can be done is to take measures to slow the progression. The Center for Disease Control has ranked CKD as the 9th leading cause of death. According to the National Kidney Foundation, 1:3 adults are at risk for CKD and 26 million have it but do not know it. Normally, people are born with two kidneys but it is possible to live with only one. The kidneys regulate body fluid levels, filter wasteRead MoreHow Does Chronic Kidney Disease Affect the Level of Organization?1747 Words  | 7 PagesHOW DOES DISEASE AFFECT THE LEVEL OF ORGANIZATION? * THE KIDNEY There are two kidneys, each about the size of a fist, located on either side of the spine at the lowest level of the rib cage. Each kidney contains up to a million functioning units called nephrons. A nephron consists of a filtering unit of tiny blood vessels called a glomerulus attached to a tubule. When blood enters the glomerulus, it is filtered and the remaining fluid then passes along the tubule. In the tubule, chemicals andRead MoreChronic Renal Failure Essay1256 Words  | 6 PagesChronic renal failure is a worldwide public health problem. Millions of Americans are affected by this disease each year. It is a common condition in which there is progressive loss of kidney functioning. The loss of function usually takes months or years to occur, sometime not appearing until kidney function is less than one-tenth of normal. The kidneys have the important job of filtering, wastes and excess fluids from your blood, which are then excreted in the urine (Huether, 2012). When the ki dneysRead MoreChronic Kidney Disease742 Words  | 3 PagesKidney disease 1 Running Head: CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease Kim Prior Rock Valley College Kidney disease 2 Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease Chronic kidney disease is a growing problem with increasing numbers of patients being diagnosed and those beginning dialysis or the transplant process. â€Å"Currently, 26 million Americans have CKD†¦and 111,000 patients were newly diagnosed with end-stage renal disease in 1 year†(Castner, 2010, pRead MoreCauses And Differences Between Men And Women The Aging Process1399 Words  | 6 PagesIs there a gender difference in chronic illness such as cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, hypertension and parkinson’s disease, for older adults in North America? Aging is inevitable, it is part of nature and as an individual ages, they become more at risk for developing a chronic illness such as cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, hypertension and parkinson’s disease. A chronic illness is classified as a disease that lasts for at least 3 months and is progressive whichRead MoreChronic Kidney Disease : Diagnosis, Treatment, And Lifestyle1147 Words  | 5 PagesChronic Kidney Disease: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Lifestyle Recommendations Janelle Giggey Nur6531 Walden University August 2, 2015 Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition characterized by a gradual loss of kidney function over time (, 2015). Renal failure is a complex and challenging health issue that demands the involvement of both specialists and primary care providers (Buttaro, Trybulski, Polgar, Bailey, Sandberg-Cook, 2013). In this paper I will discuss what chronicRead MoreHemodialysis and Its Impact to End Stage Renal Disease Patients1525 Words  | 7 PagesHemodialysis and Its Impact to end Stage Renal Disease Patients Student’s Name University Contents 1.0 Background to the Study.........................................................................................3 2.0 Introduction.............................................................................................................3 3.0 Problem Statement..................................................................................................4 4.0 Data Collection.......Read MoreRisk For Developing Kidney Disease1591 Words  | 7 Pagescome to the conclusion that she is at increased risk for developing kidney disease. C.N is a 32 years-old African American female with a current medical diagnosis of Hydronephrosis, UTI, and Left Ureteral Constriction. Unfortunately she also has an extensive family history of kidney disease. Healthy People 2020 points out that genetic determinants have a large influence on the development and progression of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and that although it is not possible to alter a person’s biologyRead MoreThe comparison of quality of life in Hemodialysis and peritoneal patients with a socioeconomics and demographic evidence in Iran1420 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Chronic diseases have lots of negative impacts on people’s quality of life.[1] These diseases not only cause a lot of physical and mental problems for patients [2], but also costs on patient’s family So their impacts will be shown in both patient and society [3]. The treatment of kidney patients as chronic disease is one of the most important issues for world’s health [4]because this disease has high rates of prevalence and incidence[5] and its treatment is associated with high costRead MoreEssay about Taking a Closer Look at Renal Failure1482 Words  | 6 Pages(ARF) or Chronic renal failure(CRF), both conditions occur when there is a loss of kidney function. Kidney disease or renal failure is the ninth leading cause of death in the United States (Pradeep ,2014). Specifically, acute renal failure is characterized by the kidney’s sudden inability to filter blood, excrete wastes, concentrate urine, preserve electrolytes, and sustain fluid balance which l eads to many problems in the human body. Acute renal failure alone is a frequent clinical problem, especially
Friday, May 15, 2020
5 Things in Your Blog That Repel Customers
1. Praises of Yourself That’s a widespread error almost all writers make. â€Å"I am the only professional writer who can deliver outstanding papers in psychology†. This kind of messages has swept the space. Self-confidence is a nice feature to have for freelance writers, but one should feel the limits. What to Do: Prove that you’re #1 by nice writing, interesting and intriguing ideas, and solid knowledgebase. Remember: actions speak louder than words. 2. Abandoned Blog One blog post written at the dawn of your presence at ThePensters is not an indicator of an active and productive writer. Imagine you’re a potential customer who looks through your profile and sees a couple of outdated blog posts. What image do you get as a freelance writer? It’ll hardly be positive. What to Do: Write consistently. Write a new blog post once a month the least. Get your blog updated and your database of customers will soon be renewed as well. 3. 0 â€Å"Likes†or Comments If a post doesn’t have a single ranking mark or a comment, it looks lonely and unattended. If there’s a lively discussion around it, the post attracts attention of even a bigger audience. What to Do: share your blog posts in social networks; invite your friends to visit and comment; ask your customers leave a feedback. 4. Mistakes A blog is your writing face. If you have gross blunders in your writing, there’s no wonder why customers refuse your services. What to Do: Double-check that your writing is of proper quality before and after you publish your post. We often don’t notice mistakes in our own writing, while others notice them at once. That’s why ask someone from outside to have a look at your writing. 5. Custom Works of Your Previous Customers It’s a violation of the agreement with the writing agency and, what’s more important, with the customer. This way you discredit yourself. What to Do: By no means are you allowed posting completed projects of your customers. However, you are most welcome to post samples of your own writing. Publish only your own authentic works. And good luck!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
High School Is The Same Amount As The Final Essay
Have you ever had an important paper or project that was worth the same amount as the final? If you have then you know the feeling that you get when you realize that if you mess this project up your grade will drop almost two later grades. Now imagine this, you are given a partner to work with on this project. The only thing is that your partner doesn’t help with any aspect of the project except picking out what the experiment should be about. Then when you go to turn in your semester project you are disappointed in yourself, in your partner, and disappointed that the people who helped you gather research, materials, and preform the experiment spent there valuable time in doing so and you have nothing of value to show for it. When there is something important that you desperately need to be done properly and in a timely manner you can only rely on yourself to accomplish it. I was in the STEM Governors Academy, run through Harrisonburg High School, while I was in high school, S TEM stands for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. The STEM program focused on STEM, so during my high school carrier I did many technical/scientific papers, projects, presentations, research, and experiments. Just to prove how much work I did, on my student google drive account I had used up over 4.5 GBs of the allotted 15 GBs throughout my four years of high school. During my junior year of high school the students in STEM were given a task to pick a topic of research related to eitherShow MoreRelatedEssay about Hockey-The Rodney Dangerfield Of Sports1056 Words  | 5 Pageshockey gets the least amount of respect. This is something that bothers me as hockey player and fan, and it also bothers other hockey fans around the country. They way that hockey is covered in the newspapers, on television, and not just professional hockey. It goes the same for college hockey and also high school hockey. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lets start at the top with the NHL. The NHL has a TV deal with ESPN and ABC so that the two companies share the Stanley Cup Finals. The NHL’s championshipRead MoreFuture Challenges For Seniors750 Words  | 3 Pagesyears Geneva High School has awarded their students by removing the May final from their agenda. Just recently the rule has shifted over and seniors are now required to complete the May final before graduation. This becomes an issue for two sides of the story as it becomes inconvenient for teachers as they have to recreate a final separate for seniors, and students get to add on to their busy and stressful lives to study for yet another exam before graduating. Now I’m not saying that finals are a badRead MoreGraduation Speech On Attending College And Playing Collegiate Sports1503 Words  | 7 PagesSports Lit 24 February 2015 College On June 10, 2015, I will be graduating and entering the real world. In the days to follow, I plan on attending college and playing collegiate sports. My first option is to attend Central Washington University, the school that my dad attended in the 1980’s; there I would major in Communications. However, if I am not offered a scholarship for baseball, and I am not able to attend, I will attend a community college for two years, and after that I will go to Central WashingtonRead MoreThe Little Things Count : College Versus High School1083 Words  | 5 PagesWhen the little things count: college versus high school When you change from the world being a reliant teenager to an young adult you go through a series of life transitions and educational stages. Society marks the educational jump from being a teenager to an adult in a stereotypical way, you are expected to go from high school to college. While attending high school it is the goal of those teachers to prepare you for this aperture into the unknown. Learning important lessons like getRead MoreDifferent Regions And Cultures Made Different Ways Of Educating1692 Words  | 7 Pagesnations of 15-year-old school pupils scholastic performance in mathematics, science, and reading.) tests. More specifically, China has always ranked in at least the top 10. In the 2012 release of the OECD rankings, Shanghai China ranked number one on all reading (570), Mathematics (613) and Science (580) tests while the United States ranked 36th in mathematics, 25th in reading and 28th in science. The United States scarcely ranks in the top 10. Why? C hina and the United States school systems and studentsRead MoreThe Education System Has Been Failing Students As Time Progresses885 Words  | 4 Pagesnecessary equipment in high schools, teachers fail to make students engaged and feel passionate about education. Every morning, it is the same routine, forty minutes here or an hour there just to sit in a classroom and learn nothing because students do not find the lectures interesting. In The past year, the school reformed commission decided to close 23 public schools to reduce the citywide debt and in May the final decision was reached And they decided to lay off school faculties, teachers, principalsRead MoreJudging In Kentucky Essay849 Words  | 4 Pagesshow that showcases musical talent, theater performance, and dedication. Band kids get worked to the bone, often practicing over 15 hours a week, which equates to a total of over 300 hours of practice time in a season. Kids sacrifice social time, school work, and jobs to perfect this show that requires effort from everyone. All of this hard work can be undone in the blink of an eye, by one judge. Judging in kentucky is very poor and needs to be addressed. KMEA is the institution that operates allRead MoreDifferences Between High School And College909 Words  | 4 PagesThe transition from high school to college is a process that can help students to improve themselves and be more independent. Therefore, they would know what they have to do to achieve their goals and learn how to deal with the time that they have. Similarly, international students, like the Brazilians, when they come to America to study, they have an opportunity to know how to deal with not only with the differences between educations given in Brazil and in the United States. In other words, thisRead MoreReflection1644 Words  | 7 Pagessentence structure and my communication skills, for instance, â€Å"Despite what the government claims about providing the same education for every person regardless of their economic status, socioeconomic status impacts the amount and the quality of education people receive because the government doesn’t provide funds f or schools that are in low income neighborhoods and fund schools in high income neighborhoods†(Aguilar, â€Å"How much you earn affects how much education you receive†, Revised Draft, 1). I canRead MoreEssay on Vermicomposting is the Red Wiggler886 Words  | 4 Pageseliminates the amount of waste and pollution on earth. Vermicomposting is nature’s organic fertilizer. It also produces a rich nutrient full fertilizer that is much richer than outdoor compost. Vermicomposter bin’s take a small amount of effort to create and maintain and they take up very little space and can be kept indoors where regular composting is very difficult and extremely unpractical. They have also been shown to act as a natural pesticide and fungicide, and yet do not carry the same negative
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Recruitment and Selection Process System †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Recruitment and Selection Process System. Answer: Introduction The aim of this current research based essay, is to identify the issues and challenges in the recruitment process that are encountered by Wood and Grieve engineers, which is the small scale Australian based engineering consultancy firm. It is the duty of the HR manager of the organization to improve upon the existing recruitment process that can help them to select the best eligible candidates for the job. The essay will also recommend suitable approach that the company needs to implement in order to improve upon their recruitment process. The advantages and drawbacks of the recruitment process will also be discussed. Issues and Challenges of Recruitment Process: The quality of the workers and organizational performance of a company is entirely dependent upon the recruitment and selection strategy, which are being implemented (Phillips Gully 2015). In the given case, the Wood and Grieve engineering firm has to face organizational challenge due to poor caliber of the engineers, who are being recruited in a selection process. The current method of recruitment of the company includes publishing of advertisement in online job website, where details of job are being mentioned. Interested candidate apply through the website and the HR manager selects few of the candidates, who are then invited for the interview. The Engineering manager then conducts an unstructured interview in order to select the perfect candidate for the job. The research work of Fox (2015), has suggested that most of the companies are dependent upon online advertisement for providing job description to all potential candidates. The online platforms are also used by the interested candidates to apply for their desired jobs. Nevertheless, as the companies have to check all the documents of the candidates through online portals, it may not be possible for them to verify that genuine documents provided by the candidates. Communication issue is also one of the major challenges in this context that are encountered by the recruiters. In the given case of Wood and Grieve engineering firm, there is no policy of the HR to verify the genuineness of the documents provided by the candidates through online portals. The primary selection procedure is dependent upon an unstructured interview that is being conducted by the engineering manager. It is important to mention in the context that unstructured interview process is conducted without specific set of questions and is rather like an interview, where the interviewers discuss relevant topic to the job with the interviewee. The major issues that are encounter by the engineering firm in this process is due to the fact that there are no specific judgmental criteria that the interviewer can use evaluate the capability of the candidate (Kundu et al. 2015). It is also not possible to test the ability of the engineer which is highly critical for the required job. Moreover as the unstructured interview do not usually have a formal way of conversation; it is not possible to judge the official capability and communication skills of the potential candidate. In the whole selection process, the candidates do not have to engage in any form of Aptitude Test, which is also an essential part of evaluating the capability of an engineer. Hence, the overall selection and recruitment process has compromised up on the overall organizational performance and the quality of skilled engineers, who are being recruited. The reputation of the engineering firm is also at stake due to shortage of efficiency among the workers (Phillips Gully 2015). Suitable approach to improve the process of Recruitment The research work of Yaseen (2016, p.79), related to best human resource practice within an organization, have suggested about the importance of tracking the documents of the employees that help to eliminate the cases related to fake documents being provided by the candidates. It can also ensure that only the genuine and the skilled candidates will get the chance to perform the jobs within the organization. The practice of green recruitment is one of the major steps that can be implemented to improve the overall process. With the growing demands of skilled engineers, this method can be used to deal with the challenge related to recruitment process. The primary step in this process of selection includes the step of evaluation that is used to diagnose the effective communication strategy that can be used by the HR department (Derous De Fruyt 2016, p.1). With the help of the better communication strategy, it is possible to connect with more number of potential candidates, who are eligi ble for the job. It is also essential to provide the details of the job description that are needed in the process of most cases to attract the talented engineering candidates. Besides the online websites, it is also essential that the offline mode of advisements are also published that help to attract the people, who do not enjoy the use of the technological gadgets. As several of the interested candidates, apply for the job, it is the duty of the HR manager to eliminate the candidates, who do not have the level of skills and expertise according to the description of the job. This is the most vital and primary steps of recruitment. There need to be certain fixed protocol that can help the HR manager to help in the process of elimination and selection. It is also the ethical duty of the HR manager of the organization to strictly abide by the framework that can help to ensure that there is no unfair practice within the business (Rivas 2016). In the subsequent process is the step, where the interested candidates are being invited over phone calls or emails for the interview, which is the main round of selection. Currently the main issue within the Wood and Grieve engineering firm is due to process of unstructured interview process that are being implemented in practice by the engineering manager in order to conduct the interview process. According to Ekwoaba et al. (2015, p.22), with the help of the structured interview process, it is possible to determine the assessment criteria that are used within the interview. The structure of the interview should be done on the basis of the skills that are needed within the engineering firm. Systematic process is used to evaluate the capability of the candidates. It is also possible to judge upon the behavior and the attitude of the candidates that is one of the important criteria to estimate the learning potential and determination of the candidate. It is one of the challenging tas ks of the interviewer to evaluate the best capable candidates as in the recent days of information, all the young job aspirants are smart enough to express out the skill that they posses. Before the process of interview, it is essential for the firm to have a round of written aptitude test. This is believed to be one of the important criteria to access the capability of an engineer. The overall process of final selection should be based on the average of the score of the two rounds of aptitude test and interview. Conclusion Due to the process of unstructured interview, the Wood and Grieve engineering firm is currently facing issues due to poor candidates being recruited within the organization. It is the duty of the HR manager to implement the process of sustainable practice of human resource management that can be achieved with the help of the structured process of interview. It is also recommended to introduce the process of attitude test that is one of the vital steps to better judge the skill of the engineer. Reference Derous, E. De Fruyt, F., 2016. Developments in Recruitment and Selection Research. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 24(1), pp.1-3. Ekwoaba, J.O., Ikeije, U.U. Ufoma, N., 2015. The impact of recruitment and selection criteria on organizational performance. Global Journal of Human Resource Management, 3(2), pp.22-23. Fox, S., 2015. An examination into the importance of recruitment and selection in a business; should it be considered an internal HR function or outsourced to a specialist? (Doctoral dissertation, Dublin, National College of Ireland). Kundu, S.C., Rattan, D., Sheera, V.P. Gahlawat, N., 2015. RecRuitment and Selection techniqueS uSed in coRpoRate SectoR: a compaRative Study of indian and multinational companieS. Journal of Organisation and Human Behaviour, 4(4). Phillips, J.M. Gully, S.M., 2015. Strategic staffing. Pearson. Rivas, R., 2016. International Recruitment and SelectionMore than a Simple Extension of Policies and Practices Across National Borders. Yaseen, A., 2016. Recruitment and selection process of higher education sector and its impact on organizational outcomes. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 5(4), pp.79-94.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Bonkers and Remix Essays
Bonkers and Remix Essays Bonkers and Remix Essay Bonkers and Remix Essay Jingle Bell Rock 2. Armand Van Helden You dont know me (Dave Silcox Remix) 3. Showtek Justin Prime Cannonball 4. Kaskade Ft. Neon Trees Lessons in Love (Headhunterz remix) 5. Isaac DJ Ease My Mind 6. The Prodigy Smack my bitch up (Noisia Remix) 7. Alex Prospect Becci Like it loud (Gammer Alex Prospect remix) 8. N-Force Darren Styles Right by your side (Gammer remix) Scott Brown Definition of a Badboy (Cheever Remix) Compulsion Orbit 1 Got Any Rushins Hixxy Styles It aint hard to tell The Acolyte Electric Styles Breeze Elysium Plus Scott Brown Product of the Devil 2006 Sy Unknown Sky High (Technoboy Remix) DJ Zany 1. Cristian Marchi I Got My Eyes On You [DJ Chuckie Remix] 2. Afrojack feat. Gregor Salto Ill Be There [Original Mix] 3. Tiga You Gonna Want Me [Hey Today Remix] 4. Yolanda Be Cool DCup We No Speak Americano [Original Mix] 5. Yolanda Be Cool DCup We No Speak Americano [High Rankin Dubstep Remix] 6. Doctor P Sweet Shop [Original Mix] 7. Flux Pavilion Got 2 Know [Original Mix] 8. Nero -? Innocence [Original Mix] Intro Miles Dyson Hey Baby Deadmau5 feat. Melleefresh Reward is More Cheese Deadmau5 Riverside Sidney Samson Love is gone (Joachim Garraud Fred Rister remix) David Guetta Bounce (Bloody Beetroots Remix) MSTRKRFT l Kaskade feat. Haley Dynasty (Dada Life Remix) 4:54 Chuckie Cant Hear Anyboody Out There 7:22 No Comment! Sorry I Remember the song and? now that was 2010 I forgot the song 9:05 Afrojack Satisfaction (Afrojack Remix 10:33 Tiesto Comon 12:19 Afrojack Banduck 14:34 Skrillex Harstyle ft. Little Wolfers DJ Kid Medina Deadmau5 and Hardwell (Kid Medina Edit)
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Entreprenuership (course) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Entreprenuership (course) - Essay Example Furthermore, with the improvement of technology and increasing competition caused due to economic liberalization and globalization, the assumption which holds that fostering entrepreneurship will enhance a country’s competitiveness seems to be valid like never before. According to Shane and Venkatraman (2000), entrepreneurship is an act of being an entrepreneur or one, who discovers, exploits, and assesses the opportunities of developing new products or services, innovative production process, new strategies or exploring new markets. Often, entrepreneurship is discussed under the entrepreneurial functions, entrepreneurial factors, entrepreneurial behaviour and entrepreneurial initiatives. Friijs, Paulsson and Karlsson (2002), stated that entrepreneurship mainly relates with the functional activities which include innovation, coordination, capital supply, uncertainty bearing, making decision and allocation of resources. Entrepreneurs have always been the strong contributor in most of the theories related with distribution, production and growth. The role of entrepreneurs in driving the economic growth of a country can be best described with the help of theory of long waves by Joseph Schumpeter. According to Schumpeter (1942), "Everyone is an entrepreneur when he actually carries out new combinations". Finding out new combinations pertaining to the factors of production can be cited as the entrepreneurial discovery that ultimately becomes the fuel of economic development. According to the author, the new combinations are better approaches to fulfil customer needs, developing new products and creative destruction to some extent. Now based on the notion of creative destruction, the theory of long waves (regarding the economic growth and business cycles) has been formulated. The theory states that a business cycle comprises of creation of new products and services along with the implementation of new s trategies. These phenomenons ultimately lead towards the
Thursday, February 6, 2020
The role of multi-channel retailing in Singapore service retail Essay
The role of multi-channel retailing in Singapore service retail industry - Essay Example Thus with the development of internet communication the consumers can now easily make purchases through the web sphere and also through their personal gadgets like Personal Digital Assistants having internet connectivity. Moreover the customers can also make relevant purchases based on catalogues or visiting kiosks of the retail stores. These services largely enabled by multi-channel retailing systems have helped in transforming the pattern of services generated in the retail sphere. Furthermore the retail firms based on multi-channel systems are also helping the consumers to avail a large number of options where the consumer can locate products in one outlet and purchase such from another belonging to the same company. Again multi-channel retailing system has also helped the consumers to gain the advantage of returning commodities in one retail outlet which was purchased from another outlet of the same company. (Berman, Retail Management, A Strategic Approach, 10E (India: Pearson Ed ucation India, 2007), 183.; Willard N. Ander and Neil Z. Stern, Winning at retail: developing a sustained model for retail success (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2004; Lena Fitzen, Multi Channel Retailing in the Automotive Industry: Determinants of Consumer Retail Choice (Germany: GRIN Verlag, 2009), 16.) Different retail companies pertaining to categories like apparel and other consumer durables make expanded use of multi-channel retail systems to reach wide number of consumers thereby focusing on market expansion and augmentation of revenues. Big retail firms through the opening up of different retail formats and through increased web presence can fulfill the business objectives of market expansion in both new and existing territories. (Joachim Zentes, Dirk Moschett and Hanna Schramm-Klein, Strategic Retail Management: Text and International Cases (Germany: Gabler Verlag, 2007), 55; Diamond, Fashion Retailing: A Multi-Channel Approach (India: Pearson Education India, 2007), 374). Multi-Channel Retailing-Advantages and Challenges The growth of multi-channel retail systems around the world led to the increase of large number of advantages and disadvantages related to it. Firstly the retail companies tending to use the multi-channel retail systems need to strategize their retail offerings and services in a homogeneous manner so that it can well percolate along the several marketing mixes. Retailers through the use of multi-channel retail concept tend to draw consumer attention to specially designed products which are not easily displayed in retail counters. These retail companies through the use of the online sphere tend to create a huge display of different types of products thus enhancing the width of the product assortments. Moreover retail companies can also cause consumer hype by creating displays of new product and service launches in their websites. Again the retailers can make use of multi-channel retailing concept to create a mass promotion of the pro ducts and services. The retailers can make use of utilities like kiosks and catalogues to help in generating large number of information to the consumes pertaining to the availability of store outlets, product and servi
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Kant Moral Law Theory Essay Example for Free
Kant Moral Law Theory Essay â€Å"Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe the oftener and more steadily we reflect on them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me. †– Kant (1788), pp, 193, 259 Immanuel Kant introduced and initiated his ‘moral law theory’ in the late 18th century. The doctrine in question sought to establish and constitute a supreme or absolute principle of morality. Kant disputes the existence of an ‘ethical system’, whereby moral obligations are obligations of ‘purpose’ or ‘reason’. The accuracy of actions [i. e. the rightness or wrongness of an individual deed] is determined by its configuration and conformity with regard to ‘moral law’. Evidently, according to Kant, an immoral transaction is invariably contemplated as an illogical or unreasonable occurrence or action. The supreme moral principle is a consistent working criterion that proves to be practically helpful and theoretically enlightening when used by rational agents as a guide for making personal choices (Kant VI). A supreme guiding moral principle must carry with it an absolute necessity and be done out of duty to the moral law in order to be free from corruption. Kant believed in a fair and impartial law. He accredited and affirmed the presence of an objective moral law that we, as humans, were/are able to identify with through the process of reasoning. Kant argued that we are able to recognise and distinguish moral law, without making reference to the possible consequence or outcome. Immanuel Kant declared a differentiation between statements [i.e. posteriori and priori] that he believed to coincide with moral law. A posteriori statement is one that is based on experience of the material world. In opposition, a priori statement requires no such knowledge; it is known independent of the phenomenal world. Furthermore, Kant continued to make additional distinctions with regard to analytic and synthetic statements. An analytic statement, he claims, is one that by its very nature is necessarily true, as the predicate is included within the definition of the subject. Example: – [â€Å"all squares have four sides†]. The previous statement is of an analytic nature, as the predicate, i. e. the square having four sides, is implicit and is part of the definition of the subject – [â€Å"square†]. An analytic statement is necessarily true – true by its own authority, and is purely explicative, as it tells us nothing new about the subject. In contrast, a synthetic statement is one in which the predicate is not included in the definition of the subject, and thus is not necessarily true. A synthetic statement also tells us something new about the subject. Prior to Kant, it was widely accepted that there were only two types of statement: a priori analytic and a posteriori synthetic. Kant accepted these two statements although believed there to be a third: a priori synthetic statement. These are statements that are known independent of experience that may or may not be true. Kant claimed that these priori synthetic principles are inherent within us and therefore subsequently form the basis of all moral decision making. Kant’s theory is based on and is primarily concerned with the aspect of ‘duty’. Kant believed and promoted the notion that to act morally is one’s ‘duty’, and one’s ‘duty’ is to act and proceed in accordance to the principles of moral law. Due to this, Kant’s theory is categorised and distinguished as a ‘deontological argument’. A deontological theory is one that maintains the moral rightness or wrongness of an action and depends on its fundamental qualities, and is independent of the nature of its consequence – â€Å"Duty for duty’s sake†. This perspective can be viewed in contrast to the beliefs and ‘rules’ associated and belonging to teleological arguments, i. e. utilitarianism. Immanuel Kant argued that moral requirements are based on a standard of rationality he dubbed the â€Å"Categorical Imperative. The categorical imperative has derived from the initial belief and notion that humans base their moral judgment on pure reason alone. This view can be viewed in contrast to a ‘morality theory’, which assumed/s that human’s actions are guided by emotions or desires. Example: When deciding what I ought to say to a friend who is distraught. Rationale would dictate that I give sensible advice, whereas my emotions may impulsively tell me to give comfort and sympathy. The categorical imperative declares and differentiates between obligatory and forbidden actions, and places further emphasis on the notion of ‘duty’. This statement can be strengthened through the following quotation – [â€Å"All in imperatives command either hypothetically or categorically†¦ If the action would be good simply as a means to something else, then the imperative is hypothetical; but if the action is represented as a good in itself†¦ then the imperative is categorical. †]. Example: If someone tells me that they will buy me dinner if I give them a lift into town, then this is a conditional action and would fall into the hypothetical imperative category. Conversely, if I think that I should give my friend a lift into town with no other agenda (i. e. she will not buy me dinner because of it), then this is a categorical imperative because it is independent of my interest and could apply to other people as well as myself. There are three principles of the categorical imperative: * Universal law; * Treat humans as ends in themselves; * Act as if you live in a kingdom of ends. 1. The categorical imperative is [â€Å"Do not act on any principle that cannot be universalised†]. In other words, moral laws must be applied in all situations and all rational beings universally, without exception. 2. [â€Å"Act that you treat humanity, both in your own person and in the person of every other human being, never merely as a means, but always at the time as an end. †] – The previous statement declares that we must never treat people as means to an end. You can never use human beings for another purpose, to exploit or enslave them. Humans are rational and the highest point of creation, and so demand unique treatment. 3. The quotation [â€Å"So act as if you were through your maxim a law-making member of a Kingdom of ends†] states Kant’s belief in the fact that humans should behave as though every other individual was an ‘end’. In conclusion, it is arguable that the categorical imperative possesses a sense of authority with regard to what actions are permitted and forbidden under Kant’s moral law theory.
Monday, January 20, 2020
A Persuasive Essay Against School Uniforms :: School Uniforms Argumentative
High school is typically a time when kids begin to distinguish themselves from one another. Students begin to develop their own sense of personal style, desperately trying to both fit in and stand out simultaneously. Being self-conscious and often lacking the confidence needed to assert themselves, teens are forced to use clothing and outward appearance as the means to manifest this individuality. Thus, students should not be forced to wear uniforms to school. Standard uniforms are unproven deterrents to student violence; are a "Band-Aid" to cover up the real problems faced by children and teens; and they violate students' right of self-expression, depriving them of their search for identity. There is something comforting about school children and teenagers dressed in pleats and plaid. Maybe it is a reminder of past times, or conjures up thoughts of order and safety. Whatever the reason, school uniforms are getting a lot of ?wear? these days, yet remain an unproven deterrent to school violence. No long-term, formal studies have been done with regards to the effectiveness of school uniforms, but many schools have kept their own informal statistics, such as the Long Beach School District. These statistics offered by Long Beach are often most cited as a proven deterrent to school violence, after adopting a mandatory uniform policy in 1994. According to Richard Van Der Laan, school crime has dropped over seventy-five percent, while attendance has reached an all-time high. One question we must ask ourselves is this, ?Is it the uniforms, or the induction of them that is solving the problem?? Maybe it is the school and parents showing some ?back-bone? which is affecting t he students, not the clothing. If you are a skeptic, get in line. There is no concrete evidence proving uniforms alone cause such dramatic reductions in crime, but rather, these policies appear to act as nothing more that a ?Band-Aid? that fails to address the real causes of youth violence. Although this violence, including sexual assault, can be linked to ?free-dress?, it is not dependent upon it, and points to deeper, more significant problems within the youth community. Violence is not learned by clothing, but rather through unfit home situations, negative friendships, and even popular culture (including emulation of television, media, music, and movies). A simple change in dress will not abolish these problems, but merely hide them for a time.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Interview: Occupational Therapy and Child Essay
The current interview process is in regards to a child who is four years old and was diagnosed with autism when he was two years old. Children with autism often display deficits in language, social interaction, behaviors, and sensory and perceptual processing (Case-Smith &ump; O’Brien, 2010). Therefore, the purpose of the current interview is to investigate the child’s overall needs, strengths, and weaknesses in regards to the child’s specific condition to gain an in-depth understanding of the child. The goal of the interview is to collect thorough information about the child to allow the practitioner to gain an understanding of the child and parent’s needs for therapy. Furthermore, the interview facilitates rapport between the practitioner and the child and parent and expresses the practitioner’s desire to understand and empathize with the child. It is important to establish a relationship with the child and the parent to allow for an open discussion and a successful intervention. The practitioner should establish proper eye contact and engage with the child properly to gain the child’s trust during the interview process. Structure of interviewing The structure of the interview is made available so there are smooth transition within the interview. The questions are phrased in an open-ended form to promote more conversation with the client and allows the practitioner to gain more information about the client. The questions in the interview are directed to the parent due to the young age of the child and the child’s diagnosis of autism. Furthermore, according to Stone and Hogan (1993) â€Å"parents offer an unique perspective on the child’s behaviors, one that is acquired over time and across different contexts and input from parents provides an invaluable supplement to clinical observations.†The intake form is formatted in a style where the practitioner may easily ask the questions and transcribe the information from the client. The typical sections of the interview are the opening, body, and closure (Sommers-Flannagan,J. &ump; Sommers-Flannagan, R., 2003). The intake form contains information regarding demographics, medical history, treatment history, and developmental history in the opening section. In the body section of the interview, information about the occupational performance areas, performance skills, and performance patterns are addressed. Lastly, the interview concludes by requesting the personal goals and major concerns for the client and parent. Opening In the beginning of the session, the practitioner introduces oneself to the client by stating the practitioner’s name, qualification and role in the setting (Crepeau, Cohn, &ump; Schell, 2009). In the opening of the interview, the practitioner needs to inform the client of the purpose of the interview and the type of questions that are going to be asked (Crepeau et al., 2009) and discuss about confidentiality (Sommers-Flannagan, J. &ump; Sommers-Flannagan, R., 2003). Confidentiality is an integral aspect of the interview process and is important to the client and practitioner. Establishing confidentiality encourages the client to participate with a healthy attitude and lead to effective sessions in the future. According to Sommers-Flannagan, J. and Sommers-Flannagan, R. (2003), practitioners in the opening of the session have a duty to make a positive first impression or they will lose their client’s trust. Practitioners need to relay that they care about their clients both with verbal and non-verbal cues (Sommers-Flannagan, J. &ump; Sommers-Flannagan, R., 2003). In the current case, the practitioner seeks information about the client’s demographics, medical history, treatment history, and developmental history. Although the goal in the beginning is to create a warm setting (Sommers-Flannagan, J. &ump; Sommers-Flannagan, R., 2003), it is important to learn about the client’s background information. In order to develop a proper treatment plan for the future, it is essential to know about the client’s history. Demographics questions are posed to gain general information about the client’s age, contact information, and caretaker’s information. Questions regarding medical history are present to help provide information regarding any medical disability that may affect the client’s current condition. Treatment history questions provide how effective the previous interventions were for the client and a framework for future interventions. Information regarding the client’s developmental history are asked to understand the client’s milestones and areas that the child may display delays. These questions provide the practitioner with a thorough background about the client and enables the practitioner to formulate a direct and specific treatment plan for the client. Body The body of the interview incorporates the development and exploration phase, which is the time when the practitioner and the client collaborate together to develop the personal story (Crepeau, et al., 2009). Moreover, during this stage of the interview process, the practitioner asks questions that are related to the client’s occupation and the factors that may hinder or promote the client’s occupations. The questions in the current interview are formatted according to the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (OTPF) (American Occupational Therapy Association, AOTA, 2008). Within the body of the interview, the following topics are addressed: areas of occupation, performance skills, and performance patterns. Areas of occupation According to AOTA (2008) the areas of occupation are: activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, education, work, leisure, play, social participation, and rest and sleep. In the interview, the practitioner poses questions to investigate the child’s independence regarding activities of daily living, which are bathing, eating, dressing self, and grooming. It is important to know how independent the child is in these areas to have an understanding regarding the child’s personal needs. Children with autism often are capable of learning tasks such as self-care, but it is important to know the child’s level of functioning. Due to the client’s age and diagnosis, the client is reliant on the care taker or parent to assist with instrumental activities of daily living. Education and play are the child’s primary occupations, therefore, it is important to recognize the child’s needs and capabilities in these areas. The intake interview asks questions regarding the child’s experience in school to help describe the child’s learning abilities. Children with autism often have developmental delays which impact the child’s abilities to grasp or process information (Case-Smith &ump; O’Brien, 2010). The level of functioning vary for each child on the autism spectrum, therefore, it is essential to know the specific academic experience of the individual child. Moreover, children with autism exhibit disturbances in behavior which often impacts their progress in education (Case-Smith &ump; O’Brien, 2010), therefore it is imperative to inquire about the child’s behavior issues. It is difficult to work with individuals who display behavioral issues, and therefore, children who have autism may often be refused for services, such as education. Other difficulties children with autism often experience are with social interaction and appropriate play. Practitioners need to inquire about the child’s interaction with other individuals their age and family members (Stone &ump; Hogan, 1993). It is important to have an idea of how the child interacts, if any, and what specific activities are motivators. Children with autism may react to strange settings and activities negatively, therefore it is essential to seek information regarding tasks that may offset these behaviors. Furthermore Lord, Rutter, and Le Couteur (1997) states that it important to ask questions regarding social interaction and avoidance to differentiate between children diagnosed with fragile X from those who are diagnosed with autism. Performance Skills According to AOTA (2008), performance skills are part of the occupational therapy domain and include: sensory and perceptual skills, motor and praxis skills, emotional regulation skills, cognitive skills, and communication and social skills. These areas within the performance skills are integral information that are relevant in children diagnosed with autism. The child diagnosed with autism may display difficulties in these areas. In this section of the interview, the practitioner seeks information regarding the child’s communication skills. Children with autism may not have spoken language, but may exhibit various communicative skills with the parent. According to Lord et. al (1997), questions regarding communication, such as directing attention, expressing interest in others, social interaction and imitating responses should be asked because children with autism often display disturbances in these areas. Also these forms of questions help differentiate between a child who has intellectual disability and autism (Lord et al., 1997). Other questions directed to children with autism are in regards to sensory processing skills. Children who are diagnosed with autism often haven an aversion to sensory stimulations and may over or under react to sensory input such as touch, sound, taste, and sight. Children with autism may display difficulty processing sensory information (Zager, 2005). Since children with autism often display issues with sensory processing and over stimulation, it is important to identify what specific form of sensory difficulties the child experiences. Difficulties in these areas may also pose problems with child’s ability to regulate their emotions, which leads to disturbing behavioral problems. Therefore, questions regarding these issues are pertinent to identify in order to have a successful intervention. Another focus within the performance skills domain is motor skills. Children with autism have developmental delays (Stone and Hogan, 1993) and this results in the child’s difficulty with motor and motor planning skills. Children with autism often have difficulties with praxis and therefore are often unable to perform novel tasks. Questions directed towards investigation of child’s praxis is important to identify because this provides the practitioner with an understanding of what the child is capable of doing. Understanding the child’s capabilities will allow the practitioner to have a foundation to establish proper therapeutic interventions. Performance Pattern Within this domain of the occupational therapy practice framework (AOTA, 2008), the different areas include: routines, roles, and habits. This area is relevant to children with autism because of the child’s high tendency to engage in repetitive behaviors (Zager, 2005). Therefore, it is encouraged for practitioners to inquire about the child’s daily routines, habits, and roles. Some of the habits (or behaviors) children with autism exhibit are unhealthy and practitioners should seek information about the specific behaviors that are harmful to the child. Often, children with autism display tantrums due to change in routine. If the practitioner does not seek information regarding these types of behaviors, then it may halt progress in the intervention. Closing In the last section of the interview, the practitioner needs to transition smoothly to the end the session (Crepeau et al., 2009). It is important for the practitioner to identify the child and parent’s goals and clear up any questions the client may have regarding the interview and the future sessions. The practitioner and client collaborate together to establish goals that are of primary to the needs of the client. Practitioners need to clarify any questions the client may have and provide information about the future sessions.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
A Step On The Right Direction With Computer Science
Rachel Thomas Composition I 3 December 2015 A Step in the Right Direction with Computer Science In the hospital, a mother of 3 is found to have a pre-cancerous tumor lurking in her pancreases that could have progressed to a deadly stage if not removed promptly. Through the use of the hospital’s robotic surgical system, it was able to successfully remove the tumor allowing this mother to return home to her family. This was made possible because of the advances in computer science; Computer science is the scientific and useful way to deal with computation and its applications. The study of computer science itself studies various conditions of the use of programming languages, complex systems and artificial intelligence. Human–computer interaction considers the challenges in making computers useful, usable, and universally accessible to humans. In today’s world, as technology is rapidly perfected, society as a whole needs to incorporate the latest advances in technology that make one’s life more efficient, convenient, and useful in their everyday lives. For example, the blending of inventive innovations with scientific discoveries relating to the brain opens better approaches for taking care of data, treating sicknesses, and perhaps making robots with human qualities. Over the past century, we have aided our vision and hearing with lenses and amplifiers. â€Å"During the next century, we will probably replace eyes and ears with light and sound detectors and computer chips that sendShow MoreRelatedMy Future as an Electrical Engineer1008 Words  | 5 Pagesengineering and mechanical engineering. Beyond this four, sources separate to other main branches. Based on the electrical engineering is concerned with the basic forms of energy that run the world, there is a hopeful future in taking this major as my direction of future. 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