Saturday, August 31, 2019
Ethics and Gender Roles
In order for a particular product or service to be successful in the industry, it needs to be clearly positioned within its market. The positioning should reflect the needs of the customers as well as the position of the company in relation to competitors. Depending on the positioning, the marketing team can decide what attributes of the product to amplify in their campaigns and what steps will be required to form the proper connections to the customer.Furthermore, the position adopted by a firm also impacts brand equity, as in, the kinds of associations customers make to the product, their level of loyalty, and brand awareness. The main ethical issue in advertising is the depiction of men and women in their stereotypical gender-roles. Men are usually depicted as powerful, successful, driven and dignified. Women on the other hand are increasing being depicted as sexualized objects often dependent on men. One of the main ethical issues is that in many of the ads the women serve mainly as a â€Å"decoration†i. . they have no functional relationship to the product being advertised. For example, Axe is well known for its over sexualization of women in its ads to sell men’s personal care products. Another trend seems to be the use of only parts of a woman’s body in advertisements particularly a woman’s breasts and legs as stated by Jean Kilbourne in her movies â€Å"Killing Us Softly†. The implications of such practices are even greeter because of the number of ads that consumers are exposed to daily through television, newspapers, magazines and billboards.It is estimated that this number has grown from 500 ads daily in 1970 to 5000 ads a day in 2009 (Johnson, 2009). The messages imparted by ads, if they are repeated over long periods of time as in the case of gender roles in society, can distort perceptions of what is realistic as well as what is right and wrong. Since women are repeatedly cast as submissive sexual objects whose place is primarily at home or in traditional occupations of nurses, teachers, secretaries the ads in a way are telling the society what to think.The primary critical players are the consumers who are being marketed to and the secondary players are the firms marketing the product. The consumers and the society at large are deeply affected by the ethical implications of ads mainly because of the values, beliefs, attitudes, propagated by them. Implicit in these values and beliefs is some level of â€Å"standard setting†. For example: in many Vodka ads that primarily market to women, excessive drinking is glamorized and implied as a â€Å"standard†behavior wherein women alternate between â€Å"good girl vs bad girl†roles.If (and it often is) this message is subconsciously or consciously understood and adopted as a lifestyle, it can have far from positive manifestations such as a binge-drinking culture that is widespread among college students which leads to other consequences such as alcohol poisoning, accidents, and ill physical health of people who try to simulate what they learn from ads, in real life. There is also a disturbing trend of ads romanticizing sexual assault and domestic violence to sell products (Capella, 2010). This can invariably lead to a spread in unhealthy social conditions.Marketing personnel are critical players because they formulate the ads. Some campaign creators do not agree that their actions may be unethical. In fact, they state that the ads reflect consumer behavior and expectations. It is also argued that there is generally â€Å"positive†reaction to beautiful males and females placed in ads which not only increase the attractiveness of the product but also the chances of increased sales precisely because of the employment of the same techniques that are being called unethical (Reichert, T. LaTour, M. S. , Lambiase, J. I. , & Adkins, M. 2007).. The decision alternative is to essentially rethink the kind s of messages that the firm wants to put forward. It is not unethical to use healthy and reasonably beautiful women and men in ads, rather, it is the wholesome vs derogatory manner in which they are shown that makes the ad questionable. Firms should avoid focusing on the sexually provocative body parts of women (and increasingly men) to sell an unrelated product.They should avoid glamorizing undesirable social behaviors such as promiscuousness of both sexes, over-drinking, drugs, or unhealthy lifestyles. In contrast to superficial ads, they should actively seek out methods to connect with consumers on a deeper level than physical attractiveness or sexual gratification. An excellent example of this is Dove’s efforts to touch on a more genuine vein. Furthermore, firms to focus on minimizing the use of ‘decorative’ male/female i. e. here should be a connection between the product being advertised and the person advertising it. The implications for the critical playe rs are hard to quantify. Women and men have been depicted in their expected roles exhibiting their stereotypical traits for a very long time. One reason this has persisted, unfortunately, is that is a successful method. Everyone wants to beautiful, glamorous, and desired and the marketing industry has picked up these human traits to turn them into profits.Therefore, for the marketing firms, adopting an alternative strategy to work as well as the unethical methods they have been using for so long will be very challenging. However, as Dove has proved, this is not impossible especially in the face of increasing concern over how men and women are depicted by the media. In the long run, a more wholesome strategy can lead to stronger brand equity through increased brand loyalty and positive brand associations. For the consumers, a more ethical and realistic representation of men and women will lead to positive impacts.People may stop exhibiting extreme behaviors to satisfy standards set b y the marketing world and be more self-satisfied, have higher self-esteem and satisfaction with their identities. The objectification is not spread to children, particularly young girls, such as the Oh Lola! perfume by Marc Jacobs. Not only does the model look like an underage girl (which is perhaps intended) but she is sitting suggestively(Exhibit One). Therefore, it becomes necessary to clearly define what is acceptable and what isn’t. Work Cited Capella, M. L. , Hill, R. , Rapp, J. M. & Kees, J. (2010). The impact of violence against women in advertisements. Journal Of Advertising, 39(4), 37-51. doi:10. 2753/JOA0091-3367390403 Johnson, C. (2009, February 11). Cutting through advertising clutter. Retrieved from http://www. cbsnews. com/8301-3445_162-2015684. html Reichert, T. , LaTour, M. S. , Lambiase, J. I. , & Adkins, M. (2007). A Test of Medi a Literacy Effects and Sexual Objectification in Advertising. Journal Of Current Issues & Research In Advertising (CTC Press), 29 (1), 81-92. Exhibit Oneâ€â€Picture of Marc Jacobs Ad
Friday, August 30, 2019
Why Metal Music Does Not Create Violence in Teenagers
Loud, aggressive, and fast, metal music has been accepted worldwide as an acceptable genre of music. Yet, some people cannot comprehend a genre of music that thrives on being the horror movie of music, and purposefully creates controversy at nearly every turn. â€Å"The media has irresponsibly finger-pointed†(Sterngold). One of the most recent examples of metal being blamed for a national tragedy was in the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Here, a song by Drowning Pool was blamed as the sole motivator for the shootings. However, the most prolific example of the media irresponsibly finger-pointing at metal music has to be the case of Columbine. After the Columbine shootings, the authorities placed sole blame on Marilyn Manson and his music for the shootings suggesting that Manson’s music, or his fans, incite violence (Sterngold). The only problem with their claims was the fact that the two shooters did not listen to, nor where they fans of, Manson’s controversial music. This brings the question of whether or not the claims placed on metal music for leading to violent behavior are true and can be supported. An example of what those who think metal has a direct correlation to violence say that Manson’s music promotes â€Å"hate, violence, death, suicide, drug use, and the attitudes and actions of the Columbine High School Killers (D’Angelo). However, the other side of the story can be best stated by Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo when he said, â€Å"We’re telling stories. It’s not actions-it’s just music. It’s fantasy stuff, just putting thoughts on paper, that’s a crime? †(Considine). Although metal is dark, heavy, and often times inappropriate, it does not have a negative effect on an otherwise normal and productive listener, especially teenagers, because metal is just a different genre of music, meaning that its lyrics do not have a negative affect on an otherwise normal listener. To begin, artists are too often misinterpreted and bashed with claims that are stretched to the point of lies, creating the opinion that all of their listeners can be stereotyped into a select, violent, group. One case of this can be with the band Slayer, one of the most popular thrash metal bands of all time. Slayer has been sued multiple times and is one of the most controversial bands in history. The band was sued twice by California parents who claimed their daughter was murdered in a ritual inspired by Slayer’s music, yet both suits where dismissed (Considine). It also really frustrates the musicians who work so hard to make music, only to see themselves harmed because of it. As Lombardo says sarcastically, â€Å"If they take my drums away, I guess I can’t play any more. But I don’t see that happening, unless I’m living in a Communist culture. †(Considine). It also agitates the fans who feel that they are misconstrued and all used as inferior examples of what music can do to people. Slayer’s fanbase contains more MENSA members than any other metal band (Considine). At this point in time it is also safe to say that people know what they are getting into and what to expect from a band named Slayer. No, this is no band for virgin ears, but this does not give reason for it to be said that they immediately turn everyday human beings into monsters. Slayer knows that where they go, controversy will naturally follow, and this for years has been a successful marketing tool (Considine). Although Slayer is only one example, this idea spreads all the way to people trying to explain violence, and finding scapegoats throughout the media with similar attributes to metal. Also, violence in the media has often been exaggerated, and statistics are often inaccurate to the point where a consistent thesis is no longer possible. According to James K. Fitzpatrick, a former teacher at a Catholic school, his former students who listened to metal went on to lead successful, calm, lives, which in his opinion, proved that the lyrics of songs do not have long term effects on the listener. It also brings to mind exactly why kids in an environment like this would choose metal, when it is certainly not condoned or accepted. It can be inferred that they chose this because of the idea that it would offend adults and others in their lives. According to Fit zpatrick, perfectly normal kids listen to â€Å"shock rock†. There are certain types of kids who like being associated with music that offends some adults (Fitzpatrick). There is an emphasis with Fitzpatrick that lyrics are not detrimental to listeners in the long term and that they are in the end generally meaningless in the quality of a persons life. He states that â€Å"I have seen fans of other rock groups that caused great anxiety to parents in the 1980s†¦mature in a similar way. †(Fitzpatrick) Another reason for the explanation of why violence is often exaggerated can be the fact that violence is so often overstated since we see so little of it. As Rhodes said ‘we live in one of the least violent eras in peacetime history’†(O’Hehir 32). Our society has surely changed in the way we view violence since we are exposed to so little of it. Out society has also changed because of the way we deal with violence. It used to be that we ensured we avoided it all times. Now it seems like we almost react positiv ely to certain types of violence. By viewing violent entertainment individuals will leave with pent up tendencies gone, and anger released (Sparks 115). It seems as though times are truly changing and that in fact violent lyrics do not make mad men, and violence can in fact do some good for certain people. Next, is the fact that metal music is often scapegoated for events where people’s emotions run high, and accusations fly because people feel a need to know a reason. Metal is often first blamed but a majority of these claims are false and without proof. A majority of these claims stating that metal lyrics lead to long term mental problems have been biased, in-conclusive, or accurate. As Harvard physiologist Steven Pinker wrote, â€Å"Media violence research has been flawed and in-conclusive at best, and a great funding scam at worst. †(O’Hehir 25). These claims are strong, and his claims have been backed up by other sources fighting against the claims of others. MIT Professor Henry Jenkins observed that the idea that violent entertainment had consistent and predictable effects on viewers was â€Å"inadequate and simplistic. †(O’Hehir 27). Another reason for the increased blame put on metal is the rise of the digital age, and with it the rise in metal music videos and horror movies. Some would go as far to say that these videos alter the mind producing a mentally unstable person. Yet, as others would claim, media depictions of violence are inherently attractive to the masses, only truly affecting a few people, and are never the sole reason for any mental instability. This is called the Aesthetic Theory of Vandalism or The Aesthetic Theory of Destruction. The theory states that the same things that account for the enjoyment associated with socially acceptable experiences are similarly responsible for the pleasure associated with acts of destruction. Not to mention the fact that from what limited televised media there was in the 1950s and 1960s, a majority of it was uncensored, and unregulated. 50s TV was profoundly routed in guns and gunfire, to a degree that would provoke outspread outrage today (O’Hehir 31). The explanations for blaming metal are not true and barely factually based. Furthermore, metal does not have an affect on the mental stability of a listener, and the there have yet to be a definitive solution to explain that it does. In short, it becomes apparent that there is no correlation between metal and violent behavior, and in fact anger can released when listening to metal. It is also true that metal being blamed for social problems can be generalized into the topic of media violence being blown out of proportion when in fact, our society is generally less violent and more regulated than in previous generations. The question becomes, what can be done about it? The gap between the fans of metal and those against it has always been a large gap, and one that has rarely attempted to be bridged. First, it takes understanding that it is not okay to generalize fans and bands into a group of â€Å"evil†people, and understand also that a majority of the listeners understand that indeed the music they listen to is offensive, and that they enjoy that aspect of it. Certain people who want to listen to this music will, and if they like it, obviously they will continue (Fitzpatrick). It is also important to truly know the person, and never assume that something like listening to a genre of music immediately translates into a personality characteristic or flaw. People like violent in your face things in spite of, not because of, violence only in rare circumstances where the media itself is too good for the violence to negatively affect the experience. †(Sparks 115). When debating the human psyche it is important not to let emotions, biases and judgments interfere with rationale. It is important to listen, and look at facts, proof, and remember that those who appear like a â€Å"metalhead†would, are very different people than you may think.
Benefits of a Database & Information Gathering Techniques
Assignment Three: Benefits of a Database & Information Gathering Techniques Ian Keller Strayer University Introduction to Relational Database Management Systems CIS 111 Professor Jonathan C. Thrall April 26th, 2012 Databases are very important to every person in the world today. Whatever you do in you daily routine you are bound to come in contact with some form of database and our world has become so dependent on it that most people won’t even realize the importance of databases. A database is a bunch of files that are usually integrated electronically together to make up one big file.The database stores all of these files in one location and numerous people can access this information all at the same time if they have the proper access from the database administrator. Things that many people do every day that involve database involvement are things like calling a creditor on the phone to talk about a utility bill, performing transactions with you bank online, over the phone or in person, and also using a credit card to pay for supplies at a local retail store. All of these things require access to some sort of database.Database design is basically separated into categories the first being external where data can have multiple views and how the data can be stored into a physical form. Another category is conceptual where internal and external data communicate between each other (Ricardo, 2012). Accounting, bookkeeping information, personal financial records, stocks and personal property inventories are only some examples of how databases are managed and can be created for a multitude of things and all of these different types of files and data can be managed through a Database Management System (DBMS).The better the DBMS system is the better that system will support the organization. When you have a DBMS that supports the organization, that organization will be able to increase productivity, profits and overall status of business. There are many differe nt DBMS designs and some have been proven to work very well. One of those types is the Relational Database System. A DBMS that falls into this category would have to be a DBMS that is capable of maintaining a good relationship among any new data and generate good communications between it and the existing data already in the system (Differentiating 2012).A DBMS has many benefits which will help to keep the organization’s profits at a continuous incline. A well designed and implemented DBMS can organize accounts, maintain records, process requests and prioritize past, present and future events. It will provide the ability to store millions of files of multiple types in one single location and because all those files are in one location, it will also provide the ability to have multiple employees located in multiple areas and non-employees who may be temporarily working for the said organization for a period of time.With a personalized password and few clicks of the mouse all p ersonnel mentioned above can be given complete or partial access to the database for an indefinite or temporary period of time. As with any system benefits also can be drowned out with some disadvantages as well and one of the disadvantages that have is that with many DBMS structures it can be confusing and difficult to navigate through some of the commands. The complexity is much more advanced than many of the Microsoft programs that many employees may be familiar with.This particular problem also causes the system to be very time consuming to unfamiliar users. Security is also a concern as with any electronic device especially ones with internet capability because nothing in this world of technology is â€Å"hacker proof†, meaning the system just like any other, is vulnerable. Another type of database is a Flat File database. This type of database stores data in the form of plain text meaning just what it says; only text can be stored. Every line contained in this type of d atabase constitutes one record.The fields in this kind of database are separated by commas, tabs or delimiters. A flat file is a database that uses a simple structure but as simple as it is the more data added to it, the less efficient it can become. The benefit of the flat file database is that most Microsoft programs such as Microsoft Access, can imported from a flat file converting it so multiple data as well as data types can be used (Flat File 2012). When creating a database from the beginning it can seem very overwhelming at first.There is so much to think of but there are tools available to you that can help guide you through the process. Many database systems have an important role and if they aren’t customized for that particular organization, then the benefits would not be as great. Tools that are available to the organization that help a great deal with construction a database for the first time are available in many forms. Starter packages such as the CASE (Comput er-Aided Software Engineering) package, is a package that contains information to help.This package contains steps for creating a system analysis, project management, and design plans. If the information is used correctly it will help the organization learn how collect the information and determine what information to collect. There is also Project Management Software that can organize your data once it’s collected so the data is prioritized correctly. Last a system catalog can be implemented to work alongside the other aids mentioned above which all work hand in hand to create, manage and maintain the organization’s information.The advantage about most of these programs is they updated automatically with each other (Ricardo 2012). In the rapidly advancing world today, it really is not practical to not have a database program implemented for whatever activities you frequent. Whether it is a business, organization, government agency, community club or even at personal i nformation at home, having files of multiple types organized and merged into one file location is just a smart way of doing business whether the business be personal or professional.Reference Differentiating a good database design from a bad database design.. (n. d. ). Free management Articles – Management resource guide. Retrieved april 26, 2012, from http://www. management-hub. com/database-design. html Flat file definition. (n. d. ). The tech terms computer dictionary. Retrieved april 26, 2012, from http://www. techterms. com/definition/flatfile Ricardo, c. m. (2012). Databases illuminated (2. ed. ). Sudbury, ma: Jones & bartlett learning.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Compare and Contrast the Government Reforms in Australian Employment Essay
Compare and Contrast the Government Reforms in Australian Employment Relations since 1993 - Essay Example The reforms have made significant impacts on the growth in the knowledge and service sectors of the economy, the shift towards more precarious works, deregulation, competitiveness and individualism and emergence of normative HRM with performance orientation as well (Burgess, 2008, p. 19). The employment and industrial relation in Australia has long been part of one of the developments and successive arbitral model, but in the nineties, these have been challenged, modified and reshaped into an enterprise-focused system. The main reforms to promote the enterprise-focused system has been enhanced by the 1993 Reforms Act that in turn has become a fundamental move to dismantle many key coordinating and generalizing systems and tendencies that were evident in the early arbitral model. The Workplace Relations Act of 1996 has been another step in abandoning the ideas and relationships of the arbitral model and has put efforts to reinforce the enterprise and non-union focused employment relation in Australia (Gardner and Palmer, 1997, p. 44). Murray (2002) emphasized that employment relation reforms can enhance increased employee participation in workplace practices. The reforms can also help the companies solve real business problems, reduction in product development cycles, better customer focus etc. the development of information system and computer technologies have made it necessary that changes in employment relation would help companies solve difficulties and risks associated with workplace practices (p. 128- 130). Reforms and innovations in workplace relation, especially when it is with the collaboration of management, workers, and unions seem to be long-lasting. The Workplace Relation reforms in Australia have been found to be both collaborative with management and unions and being forced on the parties due to the particular crisis (Lansbury, 2000, p. 30).
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Comparing & Contrasting Authorities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Comparing & Contrasting Authorities - Essay Example The "Boy with a Pipe" has been one of the most 'talked about' & heavily debated works of art between late 2004 & 2005. This has been the case owing to the fact that this particular painting holds the world record of being the most expensive painting ever to have been sold through an auction at a staggering price of $104.2 million (US dollars). The authors of these three articles have expressed their opinion on the pricing of this specific piece of art and have done so by citing & comparing the painting with other pieces of art that command similar attention in the art world. My argument on this particular discussion is that the price of an art piece is not in direct relation to the quality and fame attached to it. I have chosen the first article because I find it to be a fair report of the incident. It simply reports the price of the painting (Boy with a Pipe) and provides an insight into the brief history of artwork being sold through auctions. In the second article, the author strongly concludes that the society is spending money crazily in an effort to buy these pieces of artwork and investing money into this domain right from the beginning. In fact, the author for this second article has included as many as twelve quotes from professionals of artwork in an effort to provide support to his point of view. It is evident that the author is obviously trying hard to influence his audiences in an effort to make them agree with his point of view that stresses that there is a major trend that the society is now investing in arts for money. I have found myself to have a sense of understanding with the author of the third article and in fact, this is what my argument has really been about. My opinion is that the price of an artwork is very dependent on the nature of the buyer. After all, a piece of art will remain a piece of art no matter whether a person likes a piece of art and would like to keep it to him/herself. If a person is rich and can afford to pay millions of dollars in order to buy it, then one could say that's how much it's worth. The hard truth is that a person who really appreciates art would not consider as an avenue of investment. In Sotheby's, the author compares the price of the Picasso painting with the most expensive piece of artwork by Van Gogh. He has simply reported this as a piece of fact. The story from Investment News has mentioned about the staggering price of the Picasso painting. The author has an opinion that it seems to be a trend among people, especially the rich, who regard works of
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Soap Opera developed from the American radio serials in the 1930s to a Essay
Soap Opera developed from the American radio serials in the 1930s to a major global television genre. Trace it s development a - Essay Example These ongoing serials, which first appeared on radio and later on television, were called â€Å"soap operas†because the leading soap manufacturers such as P&G, Lever Brothers, Colgate and others were the major advertisers, producers and financers of these soap operas (Katzman, 1972, p. 210). By the 1930s, most of the networks and advertisers were realising the potential and the size of the daytime market, as most men would spend their daytime on their job and children would spend most of the morning and afternoon at school and playing outside, which left the women and homemakers as an enormous untapped market (Baym, 1996, p. 149). Soap operas provided these networks to tap into this market and attract the advertisers since these women made most of the important purchasing decisions in their homes. Furthermore, with the advent of television and its widespread distribution and use in industrialised and modern economies, advertisers began to focus on developing soap operas on te levision and it is on television that the genre of soap opera has developed and nurtured (Nariman & Rogers, 1993, p. 152). This paper will make a brief attempt at exploring and analysing the development and evolution of soap operas in the global television industry with highlighting the significant and noteworthy changes that have taken place over the past few decades in terms of the format and content of soap operas. Discussion For the most part, a crucial defining element of soap operas has been its open-ended narrative nature, where the story line has the potential to go into so many directions. Every episode ends in such a way that it does need to explicitly run a ticker saying, â€Å"To be continued†because the viewers easily infer that the story will move on to several upcoming episodes. A soap opera may have several parallel story lines, which may intersect with each other and shape each other. Soap opera are least likely to bring all of their storylines to conclusion during the show and even if one storyline moves towards its conclusion, the other storyline is likely to take its place (Nariman & Rogers, 1993, p. 152). During the early years, when the soap operas represented stage plays and theatre settings, the actors relied heavily on blocking techniques. Every now and then, during conservations between characters, one character would suddenly change his or her direction so that they could both face the camera or the stage at the same time (Matelski, 1988, p. 37). The conversation or dialogue delivery, which takes place in such a setting, is not at all realistic but this was a technique which was heavily relied upon during the early years when most of the soap operas were shot in live format. The same does not apply to soap operas and television dramas of today, whether they are using single camera or multi camera format (Liebes & Livingstone, 1998, p. 68). During much of the 1940s-1960s, many of the soap operas never left interior settings or were shot in fictional settings of Midwestern midsized towns. Furthermore, since most of the early actors that took part in these soap opera were theatre actors, the focus remained on live broadcasting in order to provide a
Monday, August 26, 2019
Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Strategic Management - Assignment Example The company has strategic options like developing strategic alliances with local retailers, offering cost leadership and competitive pricing. Table of Contents Strategic management of TESCO supermarket 14 1 Strategic management of TESCO supermarket 1 Executive summary 2 Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Business environment 5 PEST framework 5 Political factors 5 Economical factors 6 Social factors 6 Technological factors 7 Porter’s five forces 7 Threat of new entrant 7 Bargaining power of suppliers 8 Bargaining power of consumers 8 Threat of substitutes 9 Bargaining power of competitors 9 Internal analysis 9 Swot analysis 11 Challenges facing the organization 12 Strategic options 12 References 14 Introduction Food retail sector in the United Kingdom employs over 3 million people. This makes it the largest industry in the economy. However, a growing number of supermarkets are coming under intense pressure because of unprofessional treatment meted on stakeholders in the supply chain. Tesco and other supermarkets are committed to strategic development networks that lead to increased productivity. This report gives a strategic management analysis of Tesco supermarket. ... United Kingdom is Tesco’s largest market. In this market Tesco operates under Metro, Express, Extra and Superstore banners. The retailer has diversified to non-food lines e.g. clothing. Tesco delivers close to 40,000 food products. The companies label products operate at three levels. Most of the stores contain gas stations. Therefore, it has grown to become of the leading petrol retailers in Britain. Tesco personal finance is a retailing service offered by the supermarket is a bid to expand its market share. Business environment The business environment on a retailer plays a central role in its profitability. Companies are under intense pressure to acknowledge their responsibility to the society. The introduction of taxes that target the increased advertising of fatty food is bound to affect the performance of the supermarket (Stone 2009). The relationship between consumers and supplies has also been affected because of the ‘fat tax’. The presence of powerful com petitors has led to intense price wars. In some instances, the foreign market environment is hostile and governments try to protect the local industries from foreign competition. Government policies that promote monopoly controls have been blamed for limited access to some markets and segments. Such policies have the capacity to reduce the buying power of consumers. Differentiation is increasingly becoming difficult because of unhealthy competition and government interference. Tesco has developed a policy in which it reduces the prices for fuel based on the amount of sales at its groceries. The retailer compensates by raising prices in other stores. PEST framework Political factors Besides the United Kingdom, Tesco operates in six countries in Europe. The legislative and
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Mass Customization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mass Customization - Essay Example The market is rapidly evolving as well as products; therefore mass customization will provide an effective means of capturing opportunities in e-commerce. Cameron (1998) stated that customers presently require high quality customized products at low prices as well as quicker delivery. It must be noted that mass customization requires an advance form of technology as well must be properly implemented. According to Pine (1993), mass customization markets are fragmented as well as heterogeneous while in mass production, markets are largely homogeneous. This is a key distinction between the two marketing strategies. Some advantages of mass customization include lowering the cost by giving the consumers exceptional value for their money. The producer is also able to make higher profits by giving them a wider market for their products which are tailor made to fit specific customers. Before taking a short in customization, firms must first find out how the desires of various customers diffe r and the important features in a product to customize. Secondly there is need to ensure that mass customization does not hinder supply chain operations. This calls for a vigorous process design to ensure efficient delivery of customized solutions. Finally there is need to minimize choices so that customers find it easy to select products of their preferred tastes. 1. Product Selection. For the purpose of this study I have selected shoes as a product to be customized. Shoe industry in the United States offers a perfect case for customization. 2. Product variables. The various product variables from with different consumers can choose from include; saddle shoes, sandals, skates, sneakers and loafers. 3. Modular components. The modular components which I will have in hand include feather lite cleats, customized sports shoes and multi style modular shoes. 4. Individual customization. This will involve online research on the various types of shoes available in the market. 5. Steps in ma ss customization in the shoe industry (a) The customer reports to the trained sales agent who directs them on the steps to follow after considering his/her request. (b) The sales agent directs the customer to the shopping flour they chose their favorable style, color as well as texture. (c) The customer then proceeds to the next stage where his/her feet are measured using a computer scanner which is located at the store. (d) The actual measurements are sent to the manufacturer via modem. This takes a short time so that manufacturers in other countries can also be reached. This is done by the trained sales agent. (e) The manufacturer goes through the actual specification so as to emerge with the actual design that was ordered by the customer. (f) Delivery to the customer is the final stage to this process and it should as fast as possible. At this final stage, the consumer is also expected to make final payment for the product on top of the deposit he/ she had made earlier. Conclusio n Mass customization has helped many industries in reducing their operational costs as well as production costs. Inventory losses have also been minimized greatly. This can be achieved by limiting the number of styles and sizes upon which the customer choses from. However numerous challenges have also been witnessed such as failure to
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Dippin Dots Managing Strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Dippin Dots Managing Strategy - Case Study Example The people prefer to have low-fat products that have the taste and the texture of the full fat ice cream. The primary target audience for any player in the ice cream industry is children and youths of a county. The scenario is similar in the US. Technological development has a significant bearing on any product. The technology used for the manufacturing of the ice cream was cryogenic that was used in the process of freezing which is quite unique within the ice cream industry. Low temperature is required to store the product in order to uphold the consistency and integrity of the product. The climatic condition of a country can have a bearing on the sale of the ice cream. In the US winter there is severe cold throughout the country, thus this can have a bearing on the ice cream sale. The United States Department of Agriculture along with the Kentucky Milk Advisory Panel has been entrusted to inspect the Dippin’ Dots plant in Paducah, Kentucky in order to ensure that the company is maintaining a high-quality standard. The threat of entry has been very high for the companies that operate in this market. Many new competitors have entered the market producing a similar kind of products. Due to less involvement of government, the threat of entry has been high. There have been several competitors of the Dippin’ Dots in the out-of-home ice cream market. The chief competitors are Ben & Jerry’s, Haagen-Dazs, Carvel, Baskin-Robbins and Dairy Queen; and the new entrants like Cold Stone Creamery, Magie Moo’s and Marble Slab Creamery (Prata, 2006). The overall suppliers in the ice cream industry encompass limited power if there are large numbers of competitors. Bargaining power of suppliers in the case of the industry in which Dippin’ Dots operate is low, as there is a large number of suppliers who can provide almost similar kind of products to the buyers.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Drug War and Mexican Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Drug War and Mexican Economy - Essay Example The economy has had its times of rising and hard times as well. During the period of 1940 to 1960, various measures were put in place by the Mexican government to reduce the inflation rate and promote its growth. Such measures were both fiscal and monetary policies, as well as import substitution. This saw the economy rise but the effect was not to last long since in 1970; the populists abandoned these strategies for increased consumer subsidies and facilitated state ownership of public entities. This was together with uncontrolled state spending and over reliance on oil revenue thus raising the levels of inflation in the economy of Mexico. In the period between 1980 to 1990 several measures to prevent the increasing inflation rate and excessive borrowing were put in place, which included privatization of state owned companies, reduction of tariff and non tariff trade barriers among others (Library of congress, 20). This was crowned by the signing of the North America free trade agre ement in 1994. During this period, the gross domestic product was about 2.6% in contrast to the period 1983 to 1988, which was 0.1%. This trend has continued ever since set for the year 2001 when there was recession in the United States, which automatically affected the economy of Mexico negatively. ... The war against drugs use and the cartels for its trade has been a major challenge in Mexico for quite some time in the past and it is still ongoing. Several efforts have been put in place to eliminate the drug cartels operating within the country, some which have succeeded while others have not seeing that the drug cartels are still operating within the country and beyond. Some contributing factors for its thriving in Mexico are the availability of ready market for the drugs especially in the United States (Shirk, 6). Further, the availability of weaponry by the operators of these cartels has further boosted this illegal trade since they help offer security to the drugs while in transit and even to the people transporting them. The weapons are also used to eliminate anybody who tries to prevent the drug trade from taking place hence accounting for the numerous violent cases related to drugs. The major suppliers of the arms are from the United States and this therefore requires that the United States have to play a major role in the war against drugs in Mexico if at all the war against the drugs will be won. The effect of drug wars on the economy of Mexico Apparently, there is a great relationship between the economy of Mexico and the existing drug cartels in the country. The drug wars in Mexico affect the economy negatively in various ways, one of the major effect being the loss of foreign currency due to the reduced activity in the tourism industry (Schneider, Para 4). Due to the Mexican government’s rising attacks on the drug cartels in a bid to eliminate them in the country, the drug cartels that do not follow the rule of law are fighting back now more than ever especially with the increased supply of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Strategic Management Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Strategic Management - Research Proposal Example The strategic decision making on the other hand is a more streamlined segment of the overall decision making process. It is can be considered as an ongoing process which is involved in developing strategies so that the organization is capable of achieving goals and at the same time capable of altering the existing strategies based on the outcomes. The strategic decision making is largely responsible for the success of a company as it determines the success of major operational activities like the manufacturing, marketing, distribution, etc (Stokman 1-153). This research proposal is based on the influence of strategic decisions on the operational activities of product manufacturers. The research paper will encompass the case of Toyota to justify the findings and to answer the research questions. The global business environment is increasingly becoming more competitive where the business entities are trying to seek out new ways to increase their competitive advantage and gain higher market share in the industry. This as a result makes it imperative for the organizations to ensure that they are taking the right decisions that will help them to reach achieve the organizational mission in an efficient manner. In order to achieve competitive advantage the firms need to ensure that they are able to generate the higher value at the lowest possible resource utilization. Thus this research work will allow the readers to have a clear idea of the importance of strategic decision making and how other organizations can utilize the findings to increase their operational efficiency. The research questions clearly indicate that the study will be conducted by focusing on the strategic planning and decision making of Toyota. It will help the researcher to identify the underlying process followed by a successful manufacturing company to run its operational activities. This as a result will help the researcher to make a generic
Cons of Playing Video Games Essay Example for Free
Cons of Playing Video Games Essay Video game is a series of 2D or 3D world created by author or editor to allow public experience by representing as a person or animal inside. In my humble opinion, playing video games have more cons than pros. My essay will tell you that playing video games have more cons because it wasting time, cause indulgence, side effect on body health and cause volatility. In the 21 century, video games not only available for boys, it is also already become part of the girl’s life style. Although most of the teenagers like to play video games, but playing video games is actually wasting our time. Commonly, video game is story style and continuously. So, we will need a lot of time to finish one chapter or complete a task. Regarding to that, our time to doing our homework or revision becomes less. Students may be scolded by teacher or being demerit for not completing their homework. Finally, the result of the students may be affected. Playing video games will also cause indulgence. The interesting story lines encourage people to indulge in video games. They usually play the video games until forget to eat, wash and rest. Some of them even play the video games until the whole day. This endangers one person life. Among these few month, there are report on teenager die in front of computer and the causes of death is due to play video games three days non-stop. The main reason is do not have enough rest. Besides that, playing video games for long term will also cause side effect or negative effect on body health. One of the effect is eating without follow the actual time. When playing video games, a person will always play until forget the time and miss out the lunch time and dinner time. Sitting in front of the computer for a long period of time without moving will also increase the risk of obesity and give burden to the spiral cord. Tiredness of eye and fingers are also caused by looking at the screen and typing for too long, At the other sides, video games also encourage teenager to involve in volatility. Many of the video games contain volatile issues like video games that involving fight and guns. If a person cannot control himself, he will slowly follows the attitude of the character inside and involves in volatile. Teenager probably will also unable to come back to reality world as the illusion world in video games are always perfect as it can be change according our favorable. In conclusion, playing video games have more cons than pros. Teenagers must not be besotted video games too much. In fact, they should spend their time on enjoying their teenager’s life.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Vegetarian Diet Is It Good Or Bad Philosophy Essay
Vegetarian Diet Is It Good Or Bad Philosophy Essay God has created food in different varieties and there are different ways to obtain it, so it was clearly easy to anyone to differentiate in the way theyre obtaining there food and how they want to cook it and how they want to eat it. For instance we can say that some people might like to have their meat meal from a choose of different categories like well done, medium or rare, but rare makes up for the minority number of people. In other words its just as some people have got the privilege to eat meat some choose not to have a small amount of meat or even any meat at all, these people undergoes the title vegetarians, vegetarians can also be called veggies or vegans but both of the names both lead to a same meaning. Some vegetarians choose to be so in order to avoid the slaughtering and vigorous killing of living organisms and some of them are veggies just because they dont like the taste of a meat itself, also some may be forced to avoid eating meat and thats because of a medical iss ue or any motherly forced environment .Vegetarians and being one of them has its own pros and cons, like for instance its claimed by some people that vegetarian diet is considered to be healthier than a meat including diet but fights and rumors keeps subjecting this case mainly, as for example we can use as a start that a vegetarian diet lacks the mighty highly needed component the vita D12 which is essentially needed by the body and needs to be taken in diet in a way or another and on the other hand being a vegetarian effects the current personnel social life and these people are mostly left singled and alone in our now daily community and are often more criticized than meat eating ones. Another name could be given to non meat eaters (vegetarians) is to be the people who practice not to eat meat, fish and any milk products or even eggs. a commercial name that is currently used by vegetarians is veggies. According to the vegetarian union , the word vegetarian has never been there before 1840 i.e its not an ancient tradition its just 150 years old and the word itself was considered an official word that can be used world widely at the 1847 at a meeting of a society of vegeterians at the UK. Vegetarians are found throughout the whole global world, and they are categorized by different areas,relegions,cultures,and race. For example vegetarians can also be differentiated into two different subsidiaries lacto vegeterians and ovo lacto vegetarians also we have got the Islamic type of vegeterians which are given the name Halal vegeterians.To start with the difference between lacto and ovo lacto its a slight one though but it makes up two complete different communities so lacto vegetarians type are the traditional vegetarians that doesnt come close or eat anything that contains meat nor any dairy products unlike the ovo lacto in which this category of vegans can easily drink dairy products and can still follow the title vegetarians and these are mainly in the western countries so its not like all vegetarians never eat anything living, so coming back to the halal vegetarian which is currently and mainly followed by the middle eastern community (The Islamic community) and this b ranch of vegetarians forces its people to eat meat under certain Islamic laws and the meat or any living thing eaten must follow a certain Islamic procedures without having the free privilege to eat that meat. Some other people are forced ot become vegetarians because of their religion, like jews,Judaism, Jews follow some guidelines that they are forced to follow same as how we mention halal vegan diet in Islam. But in case Jews follow the guidelines in which its mentioned there the types of diet they are allowed to have and which is prohibited to them, this sort of food diet is given the name Kosher. Its also divided into several divisions in which some have meat and some dont and some just have dairy products and some dairy products are not allowed and some are just allowed in small amounts so their aint a single type of kosher diet. A huge step like turning to a vegetarian takes place under a series of vital reasons, it can be because of sympathizing with animals and them being slaughtered, well after all this is not considered the only reason that might make people turn from a normal diet to a vegetarian diet, some just tunr to being a vegan due to health problem or digestion problems like stomach pain or ulcers and the fact that eating less meat doesnt affect the body negatively as much as eating excessive meat can cause to a human personnel. And as discussed by the professor doctor Yasser ashour the dean of physiology that excessive meat and some people stomach sensitive to meat may suffer sleeping disorders,nausea,headache,even diarrhea. So being a vegetarian might also have a positive effect to some people around us excluding the fact of that are they forced to be a diet are they choose to be on their own. However some doctors and therapists may order the human personnel to immediately stop eating meat due to a disease or a tumor. Also meat eating can be limited when a person notice3s that hes suffering from high cholesterol level or high fat level as if he continues on consuming meat and being a meat eater, fat and cholesterol deposition may occur in the main arteries and may cause atherosclerosis and blood clot. Not eating meats stops many important life factors from being in a human life, as the vegetarian diet lacks a lot of meat important contents which is important for normal human growth and normal body functions. Its just like god created goats to eat green food, lions to feed on meat, trees to feed on soil contents and humans to feed on both meat and vegetables ,this must happen to maintain a stable life cycle. Back to meat important components is the vita B12, which is important for cell replication and movment,formation of white and red blood cells, it also plays a vital rule in pregnancy and to maintain the optimum growth of the fetus inside his mum umbilical region. The international vegetarian union stated that vita b12 is needed for optimum growth of a human being and that vitab12 can never be obtained from plants unless these plants are infected, they also stated that the human body doesnt require huge amounts of vita b12 in fact a 1 microgram a day is more than enough to maint ain a constant body fluidity. Which in fact shows the vital importance of vita b12 and that a deficiency in it is considered a huge problem and mainly effects the life of the personnel lacking it by causing sever nerve damages and neurogenic disorders which may lead to serious shocks for ex: Hypovelmic shock in which the body keeps internally draining blood. Although some vegetarians excluded all the above facts and stated that vita b12 can be actually maintained and compensated with a mixture of a nutritional yeast, although in the other hand vegetarians also claimed that the deficiency of vita b12 can be replaced by vitamin pills at which they actually excluded that the vitamin pills itself is made from an organic living content as we mentioned above vita b12 cant be obtained from any diet except a meat containing diet. On the other hand excluding the vita b12 importance vegetarians are also supplemented to a deficiency of an important fatty acid which can only be obtained by havi ng a diet containing fish. It was also proved by the anthropology researchers that humans who were found thousands of years ago who used to eat meat are identified with their large brains than those who didnt eat meat,it was explained in an article Human evolutionary anatomy by Aiello ,leslie christpher dean, It was explained that the main reason to proper growth of body and brain was known by our ancestors by eating meat which was considered the most high source of energy ,power, and calories and in fact was a main meal so as a result of people nowadays claiming to be vegetarians they are the reasons of them having smaller brains and also occupying a smaller mass than our old ancestor due to a decrease in body figure which is caused by a decrease in the main energy source which is meat. Some people turn into vegetarians to avoid the killing of animals. On the contrary, to serve the vegetarian diet, deforestation is needed to provide land for crops. As a result many animals will be homeless; being vegetarian has nothing to do with saving animals. Vegetarian diet kills animals too. Some of these animals are rabbits and mice. Also deforestation may cause soil erosion and water floods which may lead to severe extinction in some animal species and gives room for natural selection and may also lead to the death of water creatures. Another misconception about being vegetarian is that vegetarians live more than non-vegetarians. However, according to oxford vegetarians may live one to three years more than non vegeterians according to scientific researches. Vegetarians diet has decreased cholesterol and fatty acids level and the decrease in diet of meat and fish needs to be compensated by taking nutritional pills, which might be harmful and might negatively affect the personnel health. Socially, vegetarians are afraid of peoples sarcasm since some people see that as an awkward situation. Its only enclosed to adults, but also children are sometimes forced to eat meat by their colleagues or by just some sort of school bully. When a vegetarian is around people may act differently either being so nice and supporting or being really sarcastic. There are several ways in which animals are being killed before being supplied as food for use to easily buy and eat. these ways are divided into 2 main ways Mainstream way in which the animals are firstly stunned mechanically or by gas or even by electricity and then they are left unconscious and moved to another place where their throat is being cut off and then they are sent to the butchers to cut the meat into small pieces or left as a whole to be sold to meat companies or a other butcher shops, this was is commonly used in the uk following the prescribed Eu community of the Uk. This method of killing is considered inhumanly as for some cases the animals may wake up from the unconsciousness stage a might be fully conscious and feel the pain. this method is used with most animals even rabbits and other farmed animals. the other method is the ritual method in which the animal is being strangely hit till it looses consciousness but the darks side of that is that the animal may also gain back conscious before their throats are being cut off and may also suffer which is against the animal rights agencies. At last, it is agreed on that vegetarians are healthier than the non vegetarians due to their highly decreased percentage of fat and cholesterol usage level in the blood but as it is below normal, vegetarians should compensate this deficiency by taking some pills which is extracted from a non animal source. Nevertheless, it doesnt cause increasing their life spam as people may think. On the other hand, the pleasure of having a meat containing diet is being missed by vegans and that there is no religion forbidden eating meat unless it is done under each religions certain laws of eating it. In relation to the above, if animals should or must be killed then not by those painful means mentioned, instead by merciful means that doesnt put them through pain, and for people who are planning to turn to vegetarians take care of the deficiencies and dont let saving animals and caring for them lead u to miscarriage of yourself and ending yourself up in a poorer situation than an animal itself.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Impact Of Culture On Negotiation Cultural Studies Essay
Impact Of Culture On Negotiation Cultural Studies Essay 12 Angry Men happens to be one of the most apt examples for understanding the cultural diversity of a particular group. Twelve men from totally diverse backgrounds come together to give their verdict on a case and it has to be a unanimous decision. In the end, they do reach a consensus. But what is interesting for our study is the process through which they pass to reach this consensus. The dialogue quoted above is one of the many clashes that occur between the jurors before casting the final vote. The process reflects the conflict between the cultures of the twelve jurors as clearly, culture of each juror did not match with the others. (Source!!) Introduction: Culture is an integral part of conflict resolution. The way each party in a dispute thinks, behaves, reacts in front of the other in the negotiation can be attributed to the culture that the party carries in itself. In certain cases, culture can be the deciding factor as to whether the conflict resolution will work or not. Amidst all issues connected with the international negotiations the one that has been attracting the most attention has been the influence of culture on negotiation. This essay makes an attempt to understand the meaning of culture, study the various factors surrounding and influencing it and then highlight the importance of the same in negotiation. The ultimate aim of this essay is to try and provide an insight into the aspects of cross-cultural negotiation thereby preventing the reader from underestimating the importance of culture in any negotiation. Meaning of Culture: To determine the meaning of culture, we first need to appreciate a few definitions which have been widely acknowledged and used to understand the various aspects of culture and then observe the characteristics of culture. A] Definitions: 1) Edward Tylor (1871): Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of the society. This is the foremost attempt made to define culture and was subsequently used as a model to rely upon and improvise the definition by several anthropologists and sociologists. The terms like knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, etc. demonstrate the wide ambit of culture through Tylors perspective. 2) Clyde Kluckhohn (1951): Culture consists in patterned ways of thinking, feeling and reacting, acquired and transmitted mainly by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiments in artefacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional (i.e. historically deprived and selected) ideas and especially their attached values. This definition is quite comprehensive as culture has been composed of both values and beliefs. Kluckhohn adds special importance to the aspect of traditional ideas and attached values which emphasize on the preserved behaviour of an individual which passes on from one generation to the other. 3) Geert Hofstede (1991): Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another. Hofstede suggests that patterns of thinking, feeling, and potential acting which were learnt throughout a lifetime of a person are mental programs, i.e. software of the mind and the customary term for such mental software is culture. Although it is not very evident from the definition, Hofstede gives a lot of importance to values while determining the meaning of culture which is addressed further in the essay. B] Characteristics: Michelle LeBaron in her article has mentioned certain complications in working with cultural dimensions of conflict, and the implications that flow from them. For our purpose, these complications can be treated as characteristics of culture as culture is a complex whole. They are: 1) Culture is multi-layered what you see on the surface may mask differences below the surface; 2) Culture is constantly in flux as conditions change, cultural groups adapt in dynamic and sometimes unpredictable ways; 3) Culture is elastic knowing the cultural norms of a given group does not predict the behaviour of a member of that group, who may not conform to norms for individual or contextual reasons; 4) Culture is largely below the surface, influencing identities and meaning-making, or who we believe ourselves to be and what we care about it is not easy to access these symbolic levels since they are largely outside our awareness; and 5) Cultural influences and identities become important depending on context. When an aspect of cultural identity is threatened or misunderstood, it may become relatively more important than other cultural identities and this fixed, narrow identity may become the focus of stereotyping, negative projection, and conflict. Culture is dynamic, not timeless or changeless. It is a starting point that orients us in particular ways and away from other directions. As quoted by Raymond Williams, Culture is one of the two or three most complicated words in the English language. Looking at the various dimensions which have been brought under the definitions mentioned above, we can comprehend that the term culture is inexhaustible. We can conclude by saying that every notion that the human mind emerges with can be ascertained as a part of culture. Whether that notion subsequently becomes an activity or simply remains a thought is irrelevant. It can be said that culture sets the pattern in which these notions materialize in an individuals mind. Factors surrounding and influencing culture: (Raymond Cohen, Robert janosik, hofstede?) Normally, the most instant thought that occurs in ones mind when he or she thinks of culture is the national identity. Horacio Falcao is of the opinion that people underestimate cross-cultural negotiation. They tend to only look at national culture when they go to international negotiations. There is also educational culture, race culture, gender culture, religious culture and these cultures also impact the way people behave, think and communicate. There are numerous other factors which form a part of the culture or invariably affect the way a cultural pattern is developed in a person. Although the pace of cultural change naturally varies from one group to another, cultures evolve in reaction to many factors, from trends such as urbanization, globalization, or modernization to specific historical experiences, including the influence of other cultures, and even, occasionally, government policies. Each individual has a culture. In fact, each individual has potentially several cultures. The culture groups may share race, ethnicity, or nationality. But they also arise from cleavages of generation, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation, ability and disability, political and religious affiliation, language and gender to name only a few. The most widely recognised and discussed components of a cultural pattern are beliefs, values and norms. According to Myron W. Lustig and Jolene Koester, Culture is a learned set of shared interpretation about beliefs, values and norms, which affect the behaviours of a relatively large group of people. Norms are the outward manifestations of beliefs and values; they are evident through behaviours and can be readily observed. While beliefs tap on what is true, values tap on what is important. Shalom Schwartz conducted a survey Schwartz Value Inventory (SVI) by involving 60,000 people to identify the values which are commonly prioritised by people. Even Hofstede is of the opinion that mental programs can include a lot of things, from religious beliefs, food preferences, and aesthetic choices to attitudes toward authority. He has categorised these things under symbols, heroes, rituals and values in which symbols are the most specific and values are the most general components. He sugge sts that values are the innermost core of an individuals culture as symbols, heroes and rituals represent the layers of culture that are visible to outsiders. Cohen understands culture by addressing three key aspects which are widely quoted and recognised: 1) It is a societal and not an individualistic quality, 2) It is acquired and not genetic, and 3) Its attributes cover every area of social life. Hence, we can see that culture is not just surrounded by national identity or a certain geographical background but other more profound and intangible factors like values, beliefs, ideas also play a significant role in developing a culture. How Cultures affect Negotiation: Every negotiation is a cross-cultural exercise. Each of us belongs to multiple cultures that give us messages about what is normal, appropriate and expected. When others do not meet our expectations, it is often a cue that our cultural expectations are different. This is where the actual conflict arises. Several anthropologists and sociologists have written extensively about the effect that culture has on negotiation. We will look at the prominent work by a few of them. Robert Janosik has derived four distinct approaches to understand the impact of culture on negotiation. First, culture is a learned behaviour. It focuses on actions without giving much attention to the reasons behind those actions. Second, culture is a matter of shared basic values. This approach assumes that thinking precedes doing and that ones thinking patterns derive from his cultural context. Third, culture is shaped by the dialectic tension between paired, opposing values like individualism and collectivism, idealism and pragmatism, etc. And fourth, culture draws on a systems theory and offers multi-causal explanations of negotiation behaviour. Hoftsede and his five dimensions on which country cultures differ are discussed extensively in many subsequently published papers and books. According to him, these five dimensions reflect basic problems that any society has to cope with but for which solutions differ. These five dimensions are: 1) Power Distance: This dimension is explained by emphasizing on human inequality. The degree of acceptance of the unequal distribution of power can vary among different cultures. 2) Uncertainty Avoidance, 3) Individualism and Collectivism, 4) Masculinity and Feminity, and 5) Long-term and Short-term Orientation. Culture affects different varieties of negotiation differently depending on such factors as the particular objectives, the number of parties, and the extent to which the cultures clash or complement one another. The manner in which culture affects negotiation is further complicated since individuals differ in the extent to which they exhibit cultural influences. Since personalities, training and other variables independent of culture come into play, people reflect to varying degrees certain of the values, attitudes, and beliefs of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, profession, or occupation. The extent to which cultural factors are likely to pose additional obstacles for an international negotiation will depend upon the individuals involved as well as the cultures and circumstances at issue. Culture may deeply affect the dynamics within a negotiating team whether formal or informal, egalitarian or highly conscious of rank. It may affect the teams propensity to share information directly, avoid disclosing it, or reveal it only indirectly, for instance, through communicating multiple offers through which preferences and priorities might be inferred. Ethical norms associated with negotiation frequently vary among cultures, with lies and deception, bribery and bluffing viewed quite differently. Although the national culture and its elements have been mentioned above, the factor of language deserves to be noted separately. One function of language is to structure reality and to order experience. Therefore, the language of an individual significantly influences his or her perceptions and thinking. Certain ideas or concepts are linguistically culture-bound in that no equivalent exists in other languages. Literal translation of terms from one language to the other can lead to grave miscommunication and can affect the whole interaction between the negotiating parties deeply. For example: when Chevrolet introduced the Nova in South America, they were apparently unaware that in Spanish No va means It wont go. Thus, all the factors mentioned are not just important while dealing with international negotiations but domestic negotiations as well. Summary and Conclusions: Just like Hofstedes Onion where value lies at the extreme core of culture, culture happens to lie at the extreme core of negotiation. Even if we were to assume a perfect situation where just everything is right with the actual paperwork and the statistics of the deal on each side of the negotiation, but if the culture of the other party is not understood, then it would not turn to out to be a successful negotiation. To be successful in the international negotiation arena, negotiators need to develop high sensitivity to cultural factors, identify and pursue a culturally responsive strategy most appropriate in a given negotiation setting but at the same time acknowledge and consider also individual and structural aspects occurring in this setting. A person would be able to negotiate and persuade the other negotiating party better if he is aware of the cultural difference that both of them might have.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Philosophy and Education Essay -- Education Schooling
In this assignment I will look at the relationship between the foundational disciplines, which are history, philosophy, psychology and sociology, and education and see how they fit in with contemporary society. I will mainly look at how philosophy has made education what it is today and how philosophers would change education to make it better in their opinion. According to the American Sociological Association (ASA) sociology is the study of social life, social change, and social causes and consequences of human behaviour. Sociologists look at the structure of society and how people conduct themselves within society. They look at human behaviour and how people react to certain situations etc. They focus on how society is organised and how we experience it. The sociology of education is an analysis of the relation between society and the education system. They look at the actual institution, the individuals in the institution, the practices, processes and the concepts. Sociologists believe that a person’s life chances are affected greatly by the education they receive and choices they have. Marxists would believe that education was a way of controlling the masses and keeping people in their place. History is looked at in relation to education as it is important to understand hot education started and what events in the past, such as Industrialisation, growth and development in society and globalisation, have influenced the education system and caused change in the way we are educated. The main aims of education according to this key discipline are to train people to the social character or pattern of culture which is dominant at the time; we need to separate specialist training from the education system, this is because we don... ...t-Welfare Society. 2nd ed., London, Open University Press. †¢ ARTHUR, James and DAVIES Ian (2010). Education Studies Reader. Abingdon, Routledge. †¢ KASSEM Derek, MUFTI Emmanuel and ROBINSON John (2006). Education Studies Issues and Critical Perspectives. Maidenhead, Open University Press. †¢ Philosophy of Education Sessions 9 & 10 (2010). [online]. Last accessed 30/11/2010 at:
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Plug-In Drug by Marie Winn Essay -- essays research papers
In an article ' The Plug-In Drug ' the author Marie Winn discusses the bad influence of television on today's society. Television is a ' drug ' that interfere with family ritual, destroys human relationships and undermines the family. Â Â Â Â Â Marie Winn claims that television over the years have effected many American family life. Since television is everyday ritual, many American tend to spent more time with television than they do with their family and this result in unhealthy relation in family. She also acknowledge that television destroy family unique quality that they carry, such reading, cooking, games, songs and other special rituals. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The author claims television also destroys a human relationship. During free time instead working our difference with conversing each other, we are absorbed by imaginary world of television. Therefor we fail to interact through the real world leading to the ' distortion of real life relationship.' Television gives an escape root for people who need to be spending time on relationships with their family as well as others. Because children have ' one way relationships ' with the television, they fail to fully develop their communication and social skills. This further intensifies the decline of the family relationships. Â Â Â Â Â Author also point out television undermines the family. Most parents are now relying on outside sources such... The Plug-In Drug by Marie Winn Essay -- essays research papers In an article ' The Plug-In Drug ' the author Marie Winn discusses the bad influence of television on today's society. Television is a ' drug ' that interfere with family ritual, destroys human relationships and undermines the family. Â Â Â Â Â Marie Winn claims that television over the years have effected many American family life. Since television is everyday ritual, many American tend to spent more time with television than they do with their family and this result in unhealthy relation in family. She also acknowledge that television destroy family unique quality that they carry, such reading, cooking, games, songs and other special rituals. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The author claims television also destroys a human relationship. During free time instead working our difference with conversing each other, we are absorbed by imaginary world of television. Therefor we fail to interact through the real world leading to the ' distortion of real life relationship.' Television gives an escape root for people who need to be spending time on relationships with their family as well as others. Because children have ' one way relationships ' with the television, they fail to fully develop their communication and social skills. This further intensifies the decline of the family relationships. Â Â Â Â Â Author also point out television undermines the family. Most parents are now relying on outside sources such...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Regulatory Agency Essay
The role and responsibility of the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), most importantly, is to uphold the laws dictated by the government concerning products that include drugs, medical products, food, and non-health related products and to protect and promote public health across the country. This essay focuses on several aspects of the FDA, from the role of the agency and its effect on health care in the United States, to the authority this agency carries in relation to health care. There will also be an explanation of how the FDA carries out these responsibilities on a day-to-day basis. The FDA has held a strong presence in the realm of public health since 1848 when it began as a consumer protection agency (FDA, 2013). The FDA, formed after the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act was put in place and inspired by the scientific work of Harvey Washington Wiley, who was the Chief Chemist at the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Wiley worked to eliminate the dangerous practices of marketing unregulated drugs and food products to consumers (FDA, 2013). Since that time, the FDA has become a powerful force, monitoring and working to protect public health in the United States. FDA Role The FDA is an agency that works within the Department of Health and Human Services. The Office of the Commissioner takes the lead role with four other branches that manage other functions (FDA, 2013). The Office of the Commissioner takes â€Å"leadership of the agency’s scientific activities, communication, legislative liaison, policy and planning, women’s and minority health initiatives, agency operations, and toxicological research†(FDA, 2013). The four groups that work under the Office of the Commissioner are the Office of Foods, the Office of Global Regulatory Operations and Policy, the Office of Medical Products and Tobacco, and the Office of Operations. The function of these five entities of the FDA is to protect and promote public health in the U. S. and to uphold the laws dictated by the government regarding public health. This is accomplished through close monitoring and testing of regulated products used by U. S. consumers. These products consist of drugs, food, cosmetics, radiation-emitting products, vaccines and other biologics, veterinary drugs and products, and tobacco products (FDA, 2013). The FDA is also constantly looking for ways to advance public health by assisting other organizations to make medications safe and more effective (FDA, 2013). Not only does the FDA monitor the food supply coming into the U. S. to ensure its safety but also plays a role in counterterrorism efforts by developing products and medications to respond to a public health threat (FDA, 2013). Issuing and enforcing warning labels for drugs and other products is another function in the role of the FDA. The labels serve to educate the public and medical professionals on the use and hazards of using a specific medication or product. However, these labels do not always have the desired effect. Impact on Health Care The efforts of the FDA throughout its history, has created a much safer consumer environment as it relates to food products, cosmetics, and other non-medical items. Foods are carefully scrutinized before they are allowed on the market to ensure these products are safe for the public to consume. Strict guidelines are in place for all types of products that are available to consumers. However, there is some controversy concerning warning labels on prescription drugs. There have been recent reports that communications by the FDA regarding drug risks are not immediately effective (Hitt, 2012). It is the duty of the FDA to monitor and enforce warnings for prescription drugs involving the safety risks to public health. According to Emma Hitt, some of the warnings that recommended increased monitoring of a patient while taking a prescription drug or increase laboratory monitoring generally caused a decrease in the use of the drug and very low increases in monitoring (Hitt, 2012). These types of oversights in clinical practice likely cause adverse effects to patients by not heeding the proper warnings set forth by the FDA. This is just a minute area in which the FDA impacts health care. Just as the FDA is responsible for monitoring drugs, products, and foods, their communications to health care providers and consumers must also be taken seriously. As Hitt states, â€Å"as the goals of risk communication are to minimize potential harms, understanding the impact of an FDA communication’s intended (and unintended) consequences on patient health outcomes should be a priority†(Hitt, 2012). Duties of the FDA The FDA carries an enormous responsibility daily to monitor, investigate, and enforce the safety of the public in general. As discussed earlier, this includes products and medications used by consumers daily. There are times when the regulations and guidelines set forth by the FDA on specific products are not followed and thus the FDA must follow up with inspections, enforce compliance, and conduct criminal investigations (FDA, 2013). The Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) is the lead office in this function of the FDA. It is the duty of the ORA to carry out investigations if a breach in regulation is suspected. Once a questionable observation is made by an investigator of the ORA, a form entitled â€Å"Form 483†is filled out by the investigator (FDA, 2013). On this form, the investigator cites what the law or regulation is and proceeds to list the questionable conditions and what law or regulation is violated. These 483 forms are maintained and revisited periodically. Some of the areas investigated are biologics, drugs, human tissue for transplantation, foods, and radiological health, to name a few. This is a major function of the FDA to ensure compliance to laws and regulations. Regulatory Authority The FDA has regulatory authority provided in the â€Å"Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act†(FD&C) passed by Congress in 1983. The creation of this legislation was driven by an incident where more than 100 patients died due to improperly prepared sulfanilamide medications. It replaced the earlier Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 (FDA, 2013). The agency has authority to mandate preventative actions for food facilities to ensure food safety. They also have the power to conduct compliance inspections on facilities the scope of which include access to records and testing by accredited laboratories. The FDA also has several responses it can take to enforce compliance and ensure safety of consumers. It can enforce a mandatory recall of a product, and it can suspend the registration of a facility if it is determined to pose a threat of serious health consequences or the threat of death to humans or animals (FDA, 2013). Accreditation, Certification, and Authorization The FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research is the division of the agency charged with the evaluation and approval of any drug prior to its release on the market. There are three phases in this certification and approval process. The research phase is conducted during the manufacture of a drug, along with the testing, then sent to a review board for recommendation (Writing, 2013). Once the recommendation is given, the drug can move to the second phase, the pre-clinical trials. Here the drug is tested on small groups of humans while measuring interactions and its effectiveness. Once this phase is complete with no adverse issues, the third phase can take place. This is a Phase 2 clinical trial that allows researchers to see if the drug works on a specific illness on patients and allows scientists to determine any side effects that may occur (Writing, 2013). The clinical phases are monitored closely, while working directly with patients to ensure that the testing remain within the standards of medical ethics. Once all of the trials are complete and all recommendations have been given, all of the results are analyzed and only then can be submitted to the FDA for approval to be sold on the market (Writing, 2013). The accreditation and approval process for all products that must be in compliance with FDA guidelines is a rigorous process but necessary for the common good. Conclusion The FDA carries so many responsibilities to provide high quality medications, foods, cosmetics, and many other products. The laws and regulations are complex and detailed. So much, in fact, most people are not aware when a regulation or guideline is being violated. The resources available to research the FDA and their functions and laws are many and well worth the time to gain education on how this enormous entity works to protect and promote public health and safety.
Ground Water Pumping Through Water Privatization Environmental Sciences Essay
Approximately 30 % of full worldwide land country includes populated waterless and semi-arid countries. The major obstruction to socio economic development in these countries is Water deficits. The indispensable political orientation for the allotment of H2O resources are effectiveness, equity, and sustainability, with the enterprise of give the extreme advantage for society, environment and economic system, at the same clip as to keep sensible allotment amid assorted countries and people. Sustainable economic development in waterless and semi-arid countries relies a batch on sustainable H2O resource direction. The limpid allotment of H2O resources needs a many-sided balance between demand and supply, in assorted economic sectors peculiarly athwart sub-areas in waterless and semi-arid clime countries. Regional development planning demands to integrate economic aims with issue including historical, technological, and natural resource restraints. Jointly, these factors consequence public distribution, economic construction and paradigm of ecology and hence, the extent of H2O distributed for these intents in waterless and semi-arid countries. Regional community, economic and ecological unsimilarity necessitate particular sustainable development schemes in state of H2O scarceness. This survey assesses the feasibleness of different techniques for supplying fresh H2O to arid parts of the universe.BackgroundBrisk industrialisation, urbanisation, and population growing in waterless states are exerting lifting force per unit area on local H2O governments and H2O contrivers to satisfy the emergent ur ban H2O demand. Since handiness of conventional beginnings of fresh H2O deficiencies for imbibing usage, saltwater H2O desalinization, in accretion to partial groundwater resources, are the main H2O supply beginnings for urban use. In last two decennaries, urban H2O emphasis has increased well, owing to fast urbanisation and industrialisation, population growing and development in life criterions.Facts and FiguresWith a surging mean growing rate of over 3.4 % the population amplified from around 17.688 million in 1970 to 38.52 million in 1995. It is predicted to acquire to 81.25 million in 2025. The urban population is anticipated to go up from 60 % in 1995 to over 80 % in 2025. Curriculum has been made for improved escape control in webs of domestic H2O. They have been besides incorporated for effluent intervention and usage once more for industrial and irrigation usage. Water management-related ordinances and Torahs have been designed, numbering those to diminish H2O demands and l osingss. Uncontrolled escapes add well to shoal water-table formation and contagious disease of shoal and deep aquifers. The utmost pumping from local aquifers to accommodate the turning urban H2O demand effects in significant turn down in H2O degrees. This is declining in groundwater quality. At adequately brawny pumping rates the demand is tried to be fulfilled, leads to stream flow depletion. With a changeless addition in urban demand for H2O and sanitation, confront to accommodate these demands are lifting. To building more, dearly-won desalinization workss would be hard. The difference can be resolve with the preliminary portion of new and modern statute law and institutional actions. This can besides be done by taking on advanced techniques in water-demand decrease, effluent reuse sweetening and decrease of H2O production, intervention and distribution costs.Land Water Pumping through Water denationalizationWater denationalization was taken on in 1989 by Margaret Thatcher's authorities. It privatized ten once public regional H2O and sewage companies in Wales and England in the class of disinvestment. In chorus the economic regulative bureau OFWAT was shaped. The Drinking Water Inspectorate ( DWI ) was positioned in 1990 to look into H2O safety and quality. Water denationalization since so is a controversial issue in England and Wales. A survey by the Public Services In ternational Research Unit ( which is affiliated with trade brotherhoods ) , that opposes denationalization in 2001 declared that duty amplified by 46 % in existent footings in the first nine old ages and investings were reduced Operating net incomes have doubled ( i.e.+142 % ) in eight old ages and public wellness was endangered by cut-offs for non-payment. Denationalization helped subscribe off the industry ‘s & A ; lb ; 4.95 billion debt. Privatization editorialist disputed in 1997 that infrastructure-mainly sewers-were non equal. Besides, OFWAT was blamed of non measuring company public presentation with marks. The critics said that OFWAT has chosen net income over supplying a assured degree of services. Conversely, a World Bank article disagree that the reforms six old ages after and before denationalization investings were $ 17b and & A ; lb ; 9.3bn severally which has certainly risen after denationalization brought about conformance with strict imbibing H2O criterions. Besides headed to a higher quality of river H2O. There are besides 16 largely smaller H2O merely companies in England and Wales that have been in private owned since the nineteenth century. In Scotland and Northern Ireland H2O and sewage services have remained in public ownershipDesalinationTo turn saltwater into imbibing H2O, the first large-scale desalinization works for domestic and industry usage in the UK opened on Wednesday 2 June 2010. Facts and Figures The desalinization workss ‘ capacities vary from 1000 to 789 864 m3/day. In 1990 and 1997, the universe desalinated H2O production was approximately 33 % for the entire domestic and 38 % for industrial demand. By 2025, desalinization production is predictable to be about 54 % of the entire domestic and industrial claim. The Ro workss need mechanical energy formed by pumps those work on electricity. About 3.5-9 kWh is necessary to fabricate 1 M3 of desalinated saltwater. The energy demand depends on the salt degree of the H2O input. Besides depends on efficiency of pump and the procedure design. A single-stage works of high efficiency degree, needs around 4 kWh/m3 and 0.5-2.5 kWh/m3 to bring forth 1 M3s of sensible quality H2O from saltwater and salty groundwater. The usage of a low-pressure membrane reduces the energy ingestion by 25-40 % , particularly when utilizing low-salinity H2O.DamDams are made to incorporate H2O, halt implosion therapy and bring forth hydroelectric powe r. Dams make available a H2O supply for irrigation, domestic demands and industrial application. Lakes and reservoirs are made since 19thcentury in UK. The most important resource for constructing a dike is funding. In the UK, the figure of immense dikes grew quickly during the nineteenth century from around 10 to 175. By 1950, the rate of growing about doubled. After 1950, building positioned itself at a rate of 5.4 dikes per twelvemonth. the UK today has a amount of 486 dikes. In Europe, the entirety of dike is lifting easy. The basic ground being that appropriate sites are going less and environmental concerns go turning.Large dikesThe six biggest reservoirs are positioned in the Volga river system in Russia. The two largest are Kuybyshevskoye ( 6450 km2 ) and Rybinskoye ( 4450 kilometer ) . Spain ( approx. 1200 ) , Turkey ( approx. 610 ) , Norway ( approx. 364 ) and the UK ( approx. 570 ) have largest figure of reservoirs.Environmental Issuesa figure of environmental issues are raised by Reservoir building in both edifice and completion phases. On shuting the dike, the H2O degree in the reservoir rises, ensuing in cardinal alterations in the country inundated with the H2O. Like loss of farming area, flooded colonies and the groundwater tabular array raised. Once the reservoirs are made, two sorts of environmental jobs take topographic point: Make the reservoir inappropriate for its intent. Algae and toxic substances in them make imbibing H2O inappropriate. Evoke ecological weakening of the river system, peculiarly downstream of these reservoirs. Large dikes break off the natural permanency of a river. Reservoirs alter the hydrological rhythm, therefore raising many other ecological effects like go forthing fewer engendering sites for migratory fish. Additionally, reservoirs grasp suspended affair largely sand fluxing into them. This decreases the suspended affair weight to make downstream and in the terminal to the sea. Lack of sand at the sea pilots coastal eroding.DecisionConstructing dike is really dearly-won and besides gives rise to a figure of environmental issues as discussed above. Ground H2O pumping and H2O privatizing besides has risen many inquiries refering to H2O degree and environment concerns vis- & A ; agrave ; -vis net income devising. The best option which should be taken in front by authorities is H2O Desalination. Though the one clip investings are high but the job of H2O allotment can be limited with its supplies. Commissariats to bring forth biofuels for the Thames desalinization works have been done, s till till they are place energy ingestion will stay an issue.RecommendationAll the above treatments focus on carry throughing the demand by one method or the other. Still other manner is to convey down the domestic and industrial demand. Legislation ought make more work to stop leaking pipes and diminish the mean H2O usage of clients by repairing more H2O metres and better publicities activities.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Back Pain Causes Effects Health And Social Care Essay
If you have back hurting, you are non entirely. Millions of people every twenty-four hours are enduring with different types and grades of back hurting that interferes with work, everyday day-to-day activities, or diversion. Back hurting is rather common today as it has become ordinary like if you are enduring from common cold, but we need to cognize about the causes of back hurting to pass over out the job from its roots. Back hurting makes the individual really compromising as the victim has to curtail his actions. It hampers the normal life and it is besides really frustrating. There are several causes of back hurting which are similar in symptoms to each other but a infinitesimal analysis can assist you to understand the type of back hurting you are enduring from. The cause of back hurting can be for many grounds ; overexertion of motion and activities that leads to twist or strive, trauma to the dorsum, fleshiness, weight addition during gestation, some businesss and degenerativ e diseases such as arthritis or osteoporosis. Symptoms may run from musculus aching to hiting or knifing hurting, limited flexibleness or scope of gesture, or an inability to stand directly. Trouble can be fixed at the right clip if we understand the existent cause of the job. Ignorance makes the job all the really terrible as back hurting should ne'er be ignored. Back Pain Causes and Effectss Our spinal cord at the dorsum is a complex construction. It is composed of 33 vertebras and more than 30 musculuss. It has a batch of ligaments, inter-verbal phonograph record and multiple articulations. The complex construction of lower dorsum means that even little sums of harm to any portion of the lumbar part can do a batch of hurting and discomfort.The lower back, serves a figure of of import maps for the human organic structure. These maps include structural support, motion, and protection of certain organic structure tissues. When we stand, the lower dorsum is working to keep most of the weight of the organic structure. When we bend, extend or rotate at the waist, the lower dorsum is involved in the motion. Therefore, hurt to the constructions of import for weight bearing, such as the bony spinal column, musculuss, sinews, and ligaments, frequently can be detected when the organic structure is standing erect or used in assorted motions. Deyo RA and Tsui-Wu YJ, ( 1987 ) said that, â€Å" Back hurting is one of the most common jobs impacting all people and it is the largest cause of work-related absence.It can come on all of a sudden or bit by bit and may impact anyone, irrespective of age, but it is more common in people who are between 35 and 55 old ages of age †( p.264 ) . While it is clear that most people will see back hurting in their life, it is non ever clear why. aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"In day-to-day life low back hurting is characterized by the fact that it comes and goes with a changing figure of backslidings and hurting strength. Time periods of betterment frequently slide into each other, sometimes with episodes of acute exasperation †( Ahn NU, Buchowski JM, Garret ES, Sieber AN, Kostuik JP, 2000, p.1515 ) . The causes of back hurting scope from musculus strains and ligament sprains, to joint jobs and slipped phonograph record, to hapless position and heavy lifting. Other hazard factors are re lated to lifestyle, for illustration smoke, considerable corpulence, writhing, humdrum work, quiver of the whole organic structure, and dissatisfaction at work. Everyone ‘s dorsum hurting is different and it is frequently difficult to nail precisely what causes the hurting. The common cause of back strivings is due to assorted musculus strains or sprains. A low back musculus strain occurs when the musculus fibres are abnormally stretched or torn. A lumbar sprain occurs when the ligaments are torn from their fond regards. These musculuss, ligaments, and castanetss all work together to supply control and strength for about all activities. When the lumbar spinal column is strained or sprained, redness of the soft-tissues is consequences. For this ground, the lumbar spinal column is prone to injury, and when an hurt has been sustained, we are prevented from executing many activities. Peoples are frequently surprised at how painful and enfeebling a lumbar strain or sprain can be. They frequently force individual to stay in bed for a twenty-four hours or two, and can do intermittent symptoms for hebdomads. Some people are wholly recovered from an episode of lumbar musculus strain or sprain within one to two hebdomads and if the hurting does non lessen after one month, so it may be advisable to see a doctor. Another common cause of back strivings is fleshiness. â€Å" Obesity is an highly common status worldwide and it is one of several lifestyle factors that have been suspected of doing lower back hurting. From a public wellness position, it would be of import to cognize if lifestyle factors, such as bodyweight, play an of import function in its generation †( Leboeuf-Yde, 2000, p.226 ) . Over the past decennary the prevalence of fleshiness has risen by 50 % , with the greatest addition in morbid or terrible fleshiness. An of import thing to observe is that the back castanetss that has to bear the weight of the whole organic structure. With all this information on the prevalence of fleshiness and associated diseases, one might infer that fleshiness can be a important beginning of back hurting. Overweight puts the back bone under much force per unit area which frequently consequences in intense back hurting and transporting excess weight will set an excess strain on the lower dorsum ; excess weight puts added force per unit area on the spinal column, which can do hurting. It has long been known that a rise in organic structure weight consequences in a geometric addition in the force per unit area on the spinal column. For those who are morbidly corpulent, the hurt to the spinal column is even greater. There are some simple things can be done to cut down back hurting that is aggravated by fleshiness. It is rather common for physicians to rede their patients to lose weight, either for the intent of cut downing back hurting or to forestall it. Yet another cause of back strivings is the business and bad position. Any business that requires the employee to take part in bending, raising, long periods of sitting or driving, such as nursing, building, mail handling, and mill work can add to the increased hazard of developing a back ailment. Chafin DB and Andersson GB ( 1991 ) said that †In many occupations heavy or frequent lifting, forceful motion and carrying of heavy tonss complicated by awkward organic structure position are day-to-day elements of required undertakings. If the burden is excessively heavy or the frequence of raising exceeds the tolerance, hurts to the dorsum can be the effect †. Three work-related factors are associated with increased hazard of back hurting and hurt, first factor is force. Exerting excessively much force on the dorsum may do hurt. If the occupation is physical in nature, the employee might confront hurt if he often lift or travel heavy objects. The 2nd factor is repeat which refers to the figure of times the individual execute a certain motion. Excessively repetitive undertakings can take to muscle weariness or hurt, peculiarly if they involve stretching to the bound of the scope of gesture or awkward organic structure positioning. The last factor is posture which refers to the place when posing, standing or executing a undertaking. If, for case, the individual spends most of his clip in forepart of a computing machine, he may see occasional achings and strivings from sitting still for extended periods. On norm, the organic structure can digest being in one place for about 20 proceedingss before he experience the demand to set. There for we can forestall these jobs by making regular exercising, avoiding standing or sitting for a long period of clip. For adult females, back hurting is ineluctable during gestation and most pregnant adult females will endure with back hurting during their gestation. Most of the clip the hurting in gestation is related and symptoms will lessen one time the babe has been born. The turning uterus and babe cause many alterations in the organic structure and back aching can be a side-effect of these alterations. Turning womb may besides do back hurting if it is pressing on a nervus. A difference in endocrine degrees can do musculuss and ligaments to go more relaxed, particularly during the last few months as the organic structure is acquiring ready for labour. The weight of the babe can ensue in a higher grade of curvature of the lower spinal column, intending ligaments and musculuss must accommodate and sometimes can experience strained. The Centre of gravitation will be easy altering besides, maintaining a house base with pess shoulder width apart will assist to antagonize this. The best method of forestalling back hurting during gestation is to be physically fit and active before construct occurs. Strong abdominal musculuss and a supple and flexible frame will all assist forestall general achings and strivings during gestation. When pregnant, it is of import to alter place on a regular basis and rest at frequent intervals to avoid musculus weariness and general fatigue. Furthermore, it is said that when we get old back hurting can catch us easy. For many of us, several things begin to go on to our spinal columns as we age, there is a lessening in bone strength and musculus snap and tone. The phonograph record Begin to dry out and lose flexibleness, diminishing their ability to buffer the vertebrae. This is non ever a bad thing, since phonograph record that are less full of fluid are less likely to tear. aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"Degenerative alterations ( including damaged phonograph record, arthritis and osteoporosis ) are, patho-anatomically, the most common lesions associated with and presumptively the most of import cause of back hurting †( Bogduk N,1997 ) . Our vertebrae Begin to inspissate, and our discs start to lose wet and form, arthritis and osteoporosis may go on. As a consequence, the spinal canal becomes narrower, seting force per unit area on the spinal cord and nervus terminations and doing hurting, numbness, or failing in the organ ic structure, this status is called spinal stricture and it is most normally seen in older patients. We can forestall this by eating a balanced diet rich in Ca and vitamin D, weight-bearing exercisings, following a healthy life style and eventually to take medicines to better bone denseness when appropriate. In Conclusion, back hurting is non a disease but a configuration of symptoms that normally is acute and self-limited but some causes are chronic, physiological and psychological. Coping with back hurting is the biggest obstruction to betterment. Back hurting may impact the quality of life and curtail the activity and placing the cause for each instance is indispensable for bar and direction. In most instances of back pain the dorsum will mend itself, and remaining active and go oning with the usual activities will usually advance healing. The badness of back hurting does non ever correlate with the badness of the hurt or harm, but there are some things can be done to forestall low back hurting and they can fix for faster recovery. Exercise plans that include aerophilic conditioning and beef uping exercisings can assist in cut downing the return of low back hurting ; maintain the back healthy and strong. For occupational back hurting, employee demands to larn how to raise objects safely to protect his dorsum. Standing position is besides of import there for while standing the ears, shoulders, hips, and articulatio genuss should be in line with one another. Eating a alimentary diet is of import to acquire plentifulness of Ca, P, and vitamin D which may forestall osteoporosis, which can take to compaction breaks and low back pain.Finally intervention for back hurting will normally depend on the implicit in cause of the status and if the hurting still continuity is of import to seek medical advice so that a right diagnosi ng can be reached and appropriate intervention can be given.
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