Sunday, August 11, 2019

Gender Inequality in the British National Curriculum Essay

Gender Inequality in the British National Curriculum - Essay Example Key stage tests have been brought about by the British national curriculum whereby pupils are usually assessed at various stages throughout their education. This National Curriculum was introduced in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to be used national wide by primary and secondary state school following an Education Reform Act 1988. The main aim of the National Curriculum was to ensure that all pupils cover certain basic materials and later on entire teaching time was covered as the curriculum grew in majority of state schools. There have been debates amongst educators about gender-related issues throughout the 20th century. This refers to the cultural classification of people as ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’. Societies set down cultural expectations for males and females and people are encouraged to think, feel and act in manner ‘appropriate’ to their sex. It is argued that although boys get much more attention from teachers, â€Å"it is not s imply because they are boys, it is partly because of the way both boys and girls behave and this behaviour is shaped by the wider society,†. The most determined action taken within the school cannot effectively counter the influence of peer groups, magazines, television and family. Even if teachers get rid of their sexist attitudes everything would not necessarily be fair and both boys and girls would be treated equally, but classroom action is a two-way process, it is not simply teacher led. French argued that pupils bring in their own behavior patterns to the classroom.... Key stage 1 This stage includes children between the ages of 5-7 years. The key stage is the legal term for the two years of schooling in England and Wales known as year 1 and 2. The students in this stage follow 12 areas of education programme. In year 2 at the age of 7 years, the pupils are assessed with a test known as SAT's that covers English, Science and Mathematics. The subjects this stage is suppos ed to cover include: English Mathematics Science Information and Communication Technology Design Technology History Geography Modern Foreign Language Art and Design Music Physical Education Religious Education (Education Act. 2002, 2002) Key stage 2 This stage includes children between the ages of 7-11 years. The key stage is the legal term for the four years of schooling in England and Wales known as Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. In this stage, covers pupils during junior schools although in some cases part of this stage fall in a middle while the other part falls through primary school. In this stage, the pupils follow the same areas programme of education just like of key stage 1. In Year 6 at the age of 11 years, the pupils are tested as part of the national programme of national curriculum tests known as SAT's. These tests covers English, Mathematics and Science and the tests are externally marked and the results published in DFES performance table. (Education Act. 2002, 2 002) Key stage 3 This includes children between the ages 11-14 years. The key stage is the legal term for the three years of schooling in England and Wales known as Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9. The stage covers pupils during the first three years of secondary education although in some

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