Monday, August 19, 2019

Philosophy and Education Essay -- Education Schooling

In this assignment I will look at the relationship between the foundational disciplines, which are history, philosophy, psychology and sociology, and education and see how they fit in with contemporary society. I will mainly look at how philosophy has made education what it is today and how philosophers would change education to make it better in their opinion. According to the American Sociological Association (ASA) sociology is the study of social life, social change, and social causes and consequences of human behaviour. Sociologists look at the structure of society and how people conduct themselves within society. They look at human behaviour and how people react to certain situations etc. They focus on how society is organised and how we experience it. The sociology of education is an analysis of the relation between society and the education system. They look at the actual institution, the individuals in the institution, the practices, processes and the concepts. Sociologists believe that a person’s life chances are affected greatly by the education they receive and choices they have. Marxists would believe that education was a way of controlling the masses and keeping people in their place. History is looked at in relation to education as it is important to understand hot education started and what events in the past, such as Industrialisation, growth and development in society and globalisation, have influenced the education system and caused change in the way we are educated. The main aims of education according to this key discipline are to train people to the social character or pattern of culture which is dominant at the time; we need to separate specialist training from the education system, this is because we don... ...t-Welfare Society. 2nd ed., London, Open University Press. †¢ ARTHUR, James and DAVIES Ian (2010). Education Studies Reader. Abingdon, Routledge. †¢ KASSEM Derek, MUFTI Emmanuel and ROBINSON John (2006). Education Studies Issues and Critical Perspectives. Maidenhead, Open University Press. †¢ Philosophy of Education Sessions 9 & 10 (2010). [online]. Last accessed 30/11/2010 at:

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